25. Designer Roxanne Monroe

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"And I wanted to try neutral colors here. Like beige or cream. It'll be a great place to just sit and think without too many bold colors. Maybe it could be an office or a library."

"What was it before?"

"A nursery. The family before you had a few children."

"Oh, then this will do nicely as an office. My husband has always wanted to have his own space to do his work. It's always been the living room or dining room."

"I can assure you that those changes will be made." I looked at my phone. "I'll contact the contractor and have him come by. The shed in the back is a bit old fashioned. He can fix it up by the time you're ready to officially move in."

"Thank you so much. There aren't many people out here who will go above and beyond for our comfort."

"It's my duty. I'm in the process of planning to have a few more rooms added onto my home. I always have to have a contractor on hand."

"I'd really love to have you as my main designer. I know there's probably better people out there, but you understand what I want."

"You're welcome, ma'am."

"Please, call me Sheila."

I love it when homeowners think they can trust me. I mean, they can, but it's always satisfying to know I come first when it comes to designing homes. I've studied the color palette too many times to not know what looks good and what doesn't. I can't fail a client who truly believes in me.

"Shall we head to the master bedroom?" I asked. "I have a few ideas I want to run by you."

"Of course, dear," Sheila said.

As a social influencer, it's my duty to give my audience what they want. I usually have a camera crew with me to record the houses I design. If the client doesn't feel comfortable with that, they have a right to tell me no. I'm only doing it to show people that interior design isn't something for the weak. We study what we have to and we always try to make the client happy.

Today, the camera crew was filming for a new series. I don't usually allow Mr. Whitlock to tell me when I should film, but this was for my own good. I was going to be the first designer in the first season. Sheila agreed to be filmed and even said we could take as much footage as we want. Since contractors are involved, that's more air time for me.

"I'm thinking navy and taupe. Maybe add some gold accents to the room." I began painting a picture for Sheila and the camera. Everyone is going to know what it looks like before the designing really begins. They'll be surprised at what they see.

"Your husband won't feel out of place when he sees this combination. Very masculine, in my opinion. If he doesn't like that idea, I'm thinking we can opt for a trendy contemporary look. Smokey gray and white, paired with the dark colored floors."

"I think I can already see it."

"Right! Once I have the photos of my ideas printed out, I will send you and your husband copies. Of course, you're more than welcome to send me your ideas. I love working off of what the customer wants."

"I have a few in mind. I could run them by you, once we finish up."

"I'll be more than happy to sit down with you about it."

"My daughter and her kids often spend time with us. I saw that there were three other rooms." Sheila smiled. "I'd love to look at those and see what we can do."

"Of course!"

I love when the client takes control of what they want to do and see. It makes my job so much easier. No need for me to go in detail about what I'm visualizing. They tell me what they want and I make a log of it. Everything is running smoothly today.

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