42. Confirmation

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I finished speaking with the restaurant staff about tonight, feeling good with myself. I can't wait until I bring him here. It's really not my thing to embarrass anyone in public, but Sebastian and Jocelyn need to be taught a lesson. And to think I really almost fell in love with the fool. He must have had years to work on tricking women into falling for him.

I won't let him have another chance. Not with me. Not with any other woman. I'm going to make sure he remembers this night for the rest of his life, and how he ruined his own life. I'm not going to be some poor, heartbroken fool anymore. This'll be the last time I trust a man when he tells me he understands something. Sebastian doesn't know anything about love. He never knew anything about me.

"We have a variety of desserts we can serve to you and Mr. Aku. Is there anything special you'd like to eat this evening?" Maise asked.

I smiled sweetly at her, trying not to let the anger I felt for Sebastian show on my face. "Something simple. I don't think I can stomach anything." I glanced at my watch. "I should probably get going now. I have a few things to do."

"Oh, could you tell me which one Jocelyn is again?"

The attention whore.

"My friend will give you a photo. She should be here any minute now."

"Okay..." Maise looked down at her clipboard. "I'm sorry you have to go through this. You're an amazing person. Mr. Aku is missing out."

"Ah, well. To each his own, I suppose." I smiled. "Thank your boss for helping me out."

"It's no problem. You're our best customer."

I knew that was a lie, but I wasn't going to say anything. Why would I? I was spending money like water when it came to eating out. This place was delicious. There was no way I could deny I liked that title.

I turned around to see Stacey leaning against one of the marble columns. I had a feeling she knew about Jocelyn and Sebastian before I did. I wouldn't put it past her not to have known. She's always been able to figure things out before anyone else. I'm just surprised her friends didn't say anything to me. Most of them loved rubbing my mishaps in my face.

"I wasn't gonna say I told you so, but I told you so." She chuckled. "The moment she started making googly eyes at him when you were clearly staring at her, I knew there was something going on. Then, she had the audacity to get a new apartment and suddenly wanted renovations. She needed a good handyman. The best one. The one dating you."

I rolled my eyes. "You're an idiot. You know that, right?"

"Maybe, but I'm an observant idiot." She shrugged. "I'm sorry this had to happen, though. I knew he was no good for you."

"Is it safe to say he put up a fight?"

"If that's what you want to believe. No one can run from Jocelyn. Doesn't matter how in love they are with their current partner." Stacey sighed. "I suppose it was your turn. She was like a gnat. You never would have guessed when she'd fly by again."

"Stace...gnats are barely visible to the naked eye."

"Exactly. You never saw it coming."

I nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. It was always like that with Jocelyn. She had a way of creeping into your life when you least expected it. And once she was there, she was impossible to shake off. I remember the first time I met her. I should have known she would be a problem in the long-run. Why did I ever think I was exempt from her games?

"Well, you know what they say, 'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer,'" I said, trying to make light of the situation. "I guess I'll just have to watch my back from now on."

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