22. In Thanksgiving

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"I know Claudia said no work talk at the dinner table, but I'd like to make an important announcement. Could you possibly excuse this one, honey?" Toni asked.

"...Fine." Claudia crossed her arms.

"Thanks, babe. As you must have heard, we were fighting a little battle at the company. Without my little sidekicks working hard to make sure everything was fine, I could be sitting in prison right now. Todd, Maison, and Roxanne had the chance to sit in on the meeting with a few shareholders. How was it?"

Todd and Maison shrugged. I smirked.

"I see mixed reactions, but...after you left, I was able to have a little heart to heart talk with them. You know my father is a stubborn man, so it was a bit tough to persuade him to enforce maximum punishment."


"I know, I know! He saw through that, too. I'm sorry it didn't go as you and I had hoped it would have, Roxanne. Cooper and his little posse have been terminated and blacklisted from working at any of my companies and our partners'. Unfortunately for them, if they find a good place to work, I could easily write up a contract with said company and they would have to find a new job."

Well, I didn't get what I wanted, but this is just as good. Imagine having to move from place to place, because your ex-employer doesn't want you to have a good future. You can't expect your life to be easy after trying to ruin someone else's.

"Now that that's settled, I can actually enjoy life again and live like everyday is my last day." Toni smiled.

"As you should." I leaned back in my seat. "Did Nara not get a break?"

"She did," Claudia said. "She has a boyfriend. Instead of bringing him here for Thanksgiving, he brought her to his parents. She's saving Christmas for us."

"Ooh, that's nice. I'd like to meet him someday. He sounds a little too good to be true."

"Well, if you and Stacey don't have any plans for Christmas, you're welcome to join us. Right, Toni?"

"Mhm..." He nodded as he reached for the green bean casserole. I hope he likes it. "You both are practically family. You're like the daughter I never got, Roxanne. Stacey's like another Nara. Except she refuses to settle down and get married."

"Both a compliment and a complaint," Stacey muttered. "Find me a hidden son and you've got yourself a deal, handsome."

"He doesn't have a hidden son." I elbowed Stacey. "You don't, right?"

"I'm still breathing, aren't I?"

Fair enough. Claudia doesn't play about what belongs to her. If she were to find out Mr. Whitlock cheated on her or had another kid, it's goodbye to the best boss in the world. I'm even wary of her when she's angry. I remember her being furious with Nara. Funniest and scariest day of my life.

"You should definitely look at some of Claudia's family," Toni said. "Her family is huge. Cousins everywhere. I want you to settle down, Stacey. You're too beautiful and successful to be living the way you are."

"Hey now!" Stacey laughed. "Get your husband, Claudia. He's far too handsome to be saying that to me."

"Bask in it," Claudia said. "Toni rarely gives out compliments."

I know that's true. He honestly hates telling his employees they've done a good job. I've seen some of them take it to heart and pretend they don't have to work as hard anymore. Even as their boss, I can't get them to do what they're supposed to do. It's like once they receive the compliment from him, they've worked too hard for one day.

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