39. Get Comfortable

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I wasn't prepared for this. I took a deep breath and we turned around. I don't know what I was expecting. You'd think someone's parents would be too old to go out drinking with their son and his girlfriend on New Year's. No! This was not the case with his parents. They didn't look any older than their late thirties. Was I seeing correctly? Sebastian is in his thirties. This ain't adding up.

"Sebastian!" His mom hugged him like she hadn't just seen him a week ago. "I'm so happy to see you again, sweetheart."

"It's great to see you again, Mom." Sebastian chuckled. "You look good tonight. What did you do with your hair?"

"See? I told you he'd notice, Wyatt."

"Freya, you had a completely different hairstyle just a week ago, of course he's gonna notice." Sebastian's father seemed indifferent about being here. I guess all fathers are like that.

"Oh, and you must be Roxanne?" Sebastian's mom exclaimed and hugged me before I could do anything. "You're even more gorgeous in person. It's nice to finally meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too." I eyed Sebastian. He only shrugged.

"You can call me Freya."

"Bastian has never spoken about any woman he's dated. Not since last time."

"Last time?"

"Oh, Sebastian--"

"Another story for another time!" Sebastian jumped in and took me from his mother. "Dad, meet Roxanne."

"Hi, Roxanne. Just call me Wyatt. Or dad. Whatever you feel most comfortable with."

I'll never call anyone dad. I almost acknowledge my own father as that sometimes. Speaking of him, he never wished me a happy new year like he used to do. I guess I made him mad the last time he was over here. Which reminds me, I do have to speak to them again soon. Apologizing isn't really what I do, but they're my parents and I happened to be just as wrong as they were.

"It's nice to meet you."

"Same here."

"They aren't gonna keep our seats for long. We should probably leave now."

I'm just ready to get this over with. They probably know my entire life story. If they do, then that's fine. I don't really feel like telling them about how my parents and I don't talk anymore. Funny how they know all about Sebastian, though. I've never told them I was dating him. I hope they didn't assume I was when they saw him that one time. A kiss could mean multiple things.

The bar was full of people when we arrived. The bartender saw Wyatt and nodded at him. It must be nice to have someone you know on the inside. Sebastian and I followed his parents through the bar to a table away from the drunk giants near the bar area. One of them looked at me and whistled. I visibly cringed and grabbed Sebastian's hand. Not today.

"Austin, how are you, man?" Wyatt hugged a man who looked to be twice his height and Wyatt was plenty tall. Sad Sebastian didn't get much of it. "It's been a while."

"I've been good, man." The guy chuckled. "How's the family? I heard about Noah. How's he?"

"The family's good. We were with them all just last week. Dad's hanging on, but we all know he might leave any minute now."

"It'll be a shame to make it into the new year with so little time left."

"I hear ya."

Freya took a seat. Sebastian walked around his father to pull out a chair for me. How unlucky of me to be sitting next to the giant.

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