Part 34 ~ Goodbye.

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I'll have it sent to you by tomorrow morning." Alena says

"I'll talk to Salvatore about you meeting with Elias but he might not be too open to the idea."

"Thank you. Is there anything else y'all would like to talk to me about?"

"Yes." Silas says.

He stares at Alena and Velkov and they both stand up and leave. Silas moves towards me and sits in a chair next to me.

"What is so important you made them go away?"

"This conversation is just between you and me, they have no need to hear, Salvatore sent me to talk to you about this."

"Okay. What is it?"

"We need to talk about you taking over."

"Weren't we just doing that now?" I question sarcastically

He takes a deep breath and then begins talking. "Salvatore doesn't believe you're ready yet, we have always thought that at the age of eighteen you would take over but he thinks differently now."

I couldn't believe what Silas was telling me. I believed as well that at eighteen it would instantly be handed to me. But now he wants to changes it?

"Why? What did I do wrong?" I ask

"He said you're not handling Slavati like he trained you to. He said if it was him that he would have kept it hidden and handled him instead of playing his game. And because of that he believes that if you can't handle someone like Slavati then you can't handle a mafia."

I scoff. If he knows how to handle it when why not come to New York do it himself? And I kept it a secret, Slavati went around threatening every other family as well.

"I can handle it and I did kept it private. And if he can do such a good job then why doesn't he come down here, say that to my face and then handle it himself!"

"Anyways, he changed the timeline to twenty."

"No. I'm not going forward with that. It's mine when I turn eighteen whether he likes it or not."

"Then you call him and tell him that. I was only supposed to give you the message not argue about it."

"Anything else?" I ask

He shakes his head. He stays staring at me, and I wanted to break away from the eye contact. The silence that filled us all around was awkward. But soon it's broken over a knock on the door.

"Come in." He announced

Velkov walks in through the door. "It's time to go."

Silas nods and he walks out. I stand up and I'm about to walk when Silas reaches out and holds my wrist. I turn my body around facing him. He brings a hand up to my face, and my eyes widen thinking that what he's about to do is kiss me.

"Non fidarti di nessuno. Nemmeno i Lombardi, Luca sta bene ma a suo padre non piaci e questo è un problema." He says softly before letting go of me and taking a steps towards the door. (Don't trust anyone. Not even the Lombardis, Luca is fine but his father doesn't like you and that's an issue.)

"Motherfucker." I mumble.

"What? did you expect me to do something? You're taken aren't you?" He smirks and I walk past him ignoring his comment.

I take my phone out and text Luca telling him that we're heading to the airport and he replies telling me he's on his way. The ride at the airport was taken in silence which was perfect for me. Once we arrive there every one starts getting on and as well as putting the luggage up. Alena and Velkov get close to me and each hug me before getting on. Leaving me once again alone with Silas.

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