Bonus Chapter (Alana's POV)

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I look up when the doors to the surveillance room open

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I look up when the doors to the surveillance room open. Salvatore stands there and dismisses everyone in the room, I stare at him blankly and he smiles at me.

"I need a favor from you."

Classic Salvatore

"When do you not?" I tease

"You will fly tomorrow to New York with Silas and Velkov and you will go undercover as Velkov's wife."

I stare at him blankly, he clearly wasn't lying and it's not like I could bargain with him.

"Okay, what time does the plane leave?" I ask

"7 a.m." he says walking out.

After he walks out the men walk back inside the room. I dismiss myself and clock out the working hours. I head to my room, mine was at the far ends of the house, the men and women were separated from each other, although there was more men that women. I showered and got ready for bed, the last thing I thought I'd be doing this week was flying to fucking New York. But at the same time I'd get a chance to see Alessia again, and I adore that girl, truly she's the closest thing I have to a best friend. 

I set my alarm and close my eyes


I wake up to my second alarm, not wanting to get out of bed, it was cold out in Italy and all I wanted was to wrap the blanket around me tighter and fall in deep sleep. But I couldn't, I didn't even have my bags packed yet. I throw the blanket off me and stand up heading to the bathroom.  I wash my face and apply makeup on, I then move on to packing clothes, shoes, my computer equipment and my two guns. I walk into my bathroom and pack my deodorant, hairbrush, hair ties, makeup and face wash. I get my bag and throw in my phone, wallet, passport and a file Salvatore gave me. I grab my bags and lock my room heading downstairs.

I'm greeted outside with a car waiting for me.

"International airport." I say and the driver nods


When I get there it was only me and Silas, little by little men came in at different hours, the last one being Velkov. I wasn't sure how to feel about Velkov and I acting like a married couple in New York, he was twelve years older than me. I was 19 and he was 31. It would be awkward to say the least and slightly uncomfortable, Velkov was very attractive for his age, that I can't deny but he was closed off, didn't show affection, he's cold, distant. And I don't know much about being in a relationship let alone being married, I didn't know how to show true love. I stay talking with the females in the group at the back section of the plane. Just then the door opens and Velkov does a quick scan around. I cowered behind the girls not wanting him to see me but at some point he would. He walks out and I stay talking to the girls. It was peaceful- until Silas told me to walk to the front section. I place my water bottle down and head to the front carefully not making noise as I stay behind a small corridor. I hear Silas voice and inch closer.

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