Chapter Twenty

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Several hours passed and I glanced up to the window sleet pounded the city beyond, and I wondered how bad it would be since a flood and lightning warning went out about the severe weather, we hadn't seen a since storm like this for many years and I knew that it would come with the suppressing of whatever dirty dealings that the city was having revealed.

I'd been staring over everything, and finally gave the order for the company to go forward with a lawsuit, and to leave the recruitment of the lawyers to me. That had caused a silent afternoon since everyone seemed to be shocked that I'd been willing to go forwards with what would effectively bring more attention to the company though there would be a large scale intervention into the way that financial crime would be approached, and measures would be taken, obviously no one would realize it was happening, and yet I wondered if there would be more then just this one case to deal with over the course of time that this would likely go on for.

Projects had been set up to be contracted and that did worry me though I'd be recommended a company ran for the past half decade to do the jobs where I couldn't directly oversee what happened. I needed to have those jobs done well and I'd been promised such which was when I began to focus on the lawsuit, though my mind began to drift to Mia who I knew would be dragged into the bullshit of this situation regardless of the fact she had nothing to do with it, being my girlfriend, sister to an associated company, and the surrogate youngest sibling to Adrian likely was enough to drag her into anything.

'Why is it always us?', Riley had said that to me one night when the two of us had gone out for a business dinner after I had become CEO. I hadn't been able to answer the question, but being apart of the top most echelons, where the real power in the city was, I learned it was all secrets and lies, games played day after day. It was the same reason I stuck to building things, designing, and building and problem solving got to be the middle ground for various scenarios and I wasn't forced to pick a side because I did what I'd been requested to do. There was always bullshit, but I would navigate it and move on to the next project sets. Riley probably saw it more since his whole day was problem after problem as a corporate lawyer, and I imagined he enjoyed the times were things were settled out of court, or were just changing hands of who owned what.

It was Nico, and Adrian that played the games with damning information. Nico was about as close to being in control of tech for all of New York, and the numerous other tech cities across the world, while having contracts for protection and defense. It put him at a high risk if this lawsuit didn't go well along with Adrian, whose entire reputation was being able to control every aspect without a single issue at least on the surface, though I knew this one case would define him just because he'd been the one to uncover the information, and if it didn't go as he planned it would be public knowledge that Adrian couldn't put people away for misdeeds, and his private investigation services, and privately discussed rumours about him knowing everything in this city would evaporate, reducing him to just another businessman who had gotten 'lucky' in the publics view.

Calling my mom who had been sending me texts for the better part of the afternoon since she'd most likely read through all the articles, I walked to the window of the office and stared out at the world beyond.

"Hunter, hi," she says and I smiled at how cheery she sounded at me calling her back.

"Hi mom," I say as the sleet changed to light hail.

How brutal.

"How are you? What is going to happen with the information that got leaked?" she asks hurriedly.

"Adrian found that information, he's organized all of this, where he gets the fucking time, I don't know," I laugh, "it's like he controls every aspect inside and out of this city," I added my sarcasm edging into the words.

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