Chapter Seventeen

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Waking up the following morning I saw the bright lights of Las Vegas through my windows and the mountains still blocked out the sun. Climbing from the bed I walked to the window and pulled the curtains open. Colours invaded my eyes and I pushed open the doors to the balcony before pulling the door shut behind me and breathing in the smell of the cold desert air.

Fuck it.

Walking back inside I entered the closet and took a hoodie, joggers, and professional jogging shoes before heading off for my morning jog. I left the compound not long after and began to jog around the golf club that my compound was on the back pool looked over the course and also had a view of Vegas. The surrounding area of Country Clubs were all gated and interconnected, and I'd purchased acres of land just so that I could have it all to myself and to share with Olivia. My life had been built to keep my assets, but also so that I could give Olivia all of the luxury the world could offer, and more importantly a man to love her.

All my life I'd been known as the young boy prodigy, a chess grandmaster, an academic genius, a AAA athlete. I was a cunning CEO and businessman on the East Coast and yet I was who I'd always wanted to be, and I didn't regret it, had never regret being me.

The exception was the scenarios like these, where Olivia was targeted and I'd never spare a single person who ever tried to hurt her, and I was known for that lone fact. I'd buried the darker rumours of what happened to people who harmed Olivia, and I'd organized for the disappearances of people before. The connection to the Mafia to the Sorenko's was enough for me to have people go to the East of Europe where they could be dealt with politely.

Many people had been forced to leave the country though I'd made it seem like they accidentally ended up where I wanted them and in the end they were killed in a foreign country, though they'd almost never be able to be proven.

When I rounded the club I stopped and stared out at the city beyond admiring Vegas and knowing that I was perfect for this city though it could never be hone because it represented all that I was deep down.

Continuing on as Five Finger Death Punch played in my ears. I remembered the thrill of running how I'd enjoyed the pain pushing my body to my limits which had in the past meant destruction. I'd made myself bleed, and be bruised, and I was faced with my choices again and again. I wasn't willing to leave her, I would catch the stalker, and I would ensure both Olivia's and my own pasts were kept in the dark where they belonged.

New York high society seemed to believe that women were a reflection of a man which was bullshit if one asked me that question because who in their right mind thought that anything would come up about Olivia and I, every once in a while a message gets through, someone says something but now it was time for me to find who would as usual stand against me and those who I cared about.

Getting back to the house I pulled off my shoes and headed upstairs before almost colliding with Olivia who was wrapped in her pajamas still and had to steady her before she pushed herself up and kissed me.

"Good morning, how was your run?" she asks and I flashed a half smile.

"It was good, I need to set up good press for Winters Group leading up to the trial, so I'm setting up all kinds of interviews regarding the media issue, and then we get to go home to see how the trial and investigation of the former Ambrose Exec's goes," I say as she wrapped her arms around my shoulder.

"You're going to do something that could go badly aren't you?" she asks and I nodded before she hopped up and wrapped her legs around my middle. "What is it, I want to help".

This girl.

"I'm hunting your stalker, they're in Harlem, all stalkers have encountered their victims, and are familiar with them, they can observe and never be noticed. We're secretive, so it would have to be someone who knew about us, or knows about us. They also got the chance to learn what we do in a day or common places we go," I explained, "I'm also wanting to pull attention away from everyone prove all of us had no part in whatever the world believes about the Ambrose Case".

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