Chapter 106: Passing The Mantle

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Evander's Pov

(Midtown, New York. November 2028, Evander's Age: 31)

It's been a couple of years since Tony's death, Steve went to take the stones back but stayed to be with Peggy as he gave the Captain America mantle to Sam, as I helped him and Bucky out with that. Cassandra stopped being a hero, as the same as Alexander, Wanda, Pietro, and even Francine who started to be a hero. As it just left me as the oldest person as a hero. Right now I'm sitting on a building looking at the city.

Evander: Heh, the city looking quite well after some years, and crime is still going out of the about, nothing that I can handle....but my villains are gone as they died out expect for Fran....*sighs* I'm getting too old for this....

???: Still doing your monologuing huh bro?

I turned my head and saw my younger sister Roisin still in her Mania symbiote suit.

Evander: *chuckles* Yeah, I am. Sorry to bore you with me talking sis.

Roisin: Eh, it's fine. I'm use to hearing those speeches of yours.

Evander: So what brings Mania here to see Shadow Spider?

Roisin: Just checking on you big bro. And I was bored of dealing with Miles' and Peter's shit.

Evander: Language.

Roisin: *Stares at me blankly* Bro, I'm in my 20s. I can curse just like you can.

Evander: Not around me missy, I don't allow it.

Roisin: I hate you.

Evander: Love you too sis.

Roisin groans as I laugh a bit before sighing and looking back at the city as she took notice.

Roisin: You thinking of retiring as well huh bro?

Evander: No.....Maybe.....I don't know. I just want still help out.

Roisin: You can help, but not doing this. I don't want my nephews and nieces losing their father/uncle.

Evander: Fair.....I'll go talk with Cassandra and I can give the mantle to someone.

Roisin: What about Peter or Miles?

Evander: They already got their own things being Spider-Man and Ghost Spider. I can ask Joseph but he would find a different name for him and I'm fine with that.

Roisin: Well it's your choice bro, so I'll let you do that.

I smiled and hugged her as she hugged back.

Evander: See ya lil sis.

Roisin: Bye bro.

I then jumped off of the building and started web swinging back home.

(Ten Minutes Later)

I made it back home as I enter inside of my house.

Evander: I'm home!

Cassandra: Hey honey how was your day been?

Evander: It was good. How was your day?

Cassandra: It was fine. Work was good, teaching new people on how to dance.

Evander: *chuckles* That's good......Hey Cass.

Cassandra: Yeah?

Evander: I was thinking of retiring.

Cassandra: .....Are you sure?

Evander: I'm very sure, and I know who I'm gonna give the mantle to.

Cassandra: Who?

Evander: .....Joseph.

I watched as Cassandra stared at me before taking a few breathes.

Cassandra: I'm mad that you is thinking of that for our son, but I know it's his choice like I gave Valentina a choice to use my powers to be a hero and I'm helping her with that. Aerith was happy to be a hero just like her parents.

Evander: Yeah. So where is he?

Cassandra: In his room as usual.

I nodded my head and walks up the stairs as I walked up to his room and knocked on his door as he told me that I can come inside. I walked in to see my now eleven year old son who was messing with his guitar.

Evander: Sup champ.

Joseph: Hey dad. Need something?

Evander: Well to talk with you about something.

Joseph: And that is?

Evander: I'm passing the mantle of being a spider hero onto you kiddo.

Joseph: is retiring dad?

Evander: Yeah been a hero for a long time and I want to put that to rest and let the new generation take over. So, you want to take the mantle son?

I watched as he took a couple of minutes to think as he looked at me.

Joseph: Yeah, I can take the mantle dad.

Evander: *smiles* That's good to here son.

(Five Years Later...)

Joseph's Pov

(Midtown, New York. July 2033. Joseph's Age: 16)

I was dealing with some thugs as I just spined kicked one of them.

Joseph: Come on is that all you guys got? This is really sad to see.

Thug#1: Damnit, just stay still so we can kill you Spider-Punk.

Joseph: Eh, no.

I fired a web and pulled a thug to me as I used a shadow punch and knocked the guy out as my spider sense went off as one of the thugs was ready to attack me but soon a portal appeared and a fist come out as it punched the thug as Joseph turned to see the first as he just sighed knowing who the fist belongs to.

Joseph: Oh come on, I had him.

The portal soon became big as the person walks out.

Valentina: Oh shut the hell up and you didn't cause you didn't move

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Valentina: Oh shut the hell up and you didn't cause you didn't move.

Joseph: *rolls my eyes* Whatever shorty, honestly I wanted big sis to come out of nowhere to help.

Valentina: Well she was busy and told me to get you.

Joseph: Of course. Well let's go help her out.

I fired a web and started web swing as I then saw my twin flying next to me as it was one of her new abilities as we started to make our way to go help out our older sister.

(That wraps up Avengers: Endgame, and the Young Avenger story as it took me a year to finish....due to me being lazy and had other stories I wanted to work on. But still thank you guys for reading and supporting this story and others I have made, even with some of the things you guys didn't agree with me on....But still thank you guys.)

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