Chapter 96: New York 2012

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Evander's Pov

(New York, 2012)

Roisin, Steve, Tony, Bruce, Scott, and I exit out of the quantum realm and looked around as we was in 2012. Once we land the suits deactivated, me and Steve walked forward and looked at the others.

Steve: Alright, we all have our assignments, we got two stones uptown, one down.

Evander: Stay low and keep an eye on the clock.

We all heard a roar we then saw 2012 Hulk smashing his way through everything as I looked at Bruce.

Evander: Maybe you should smash some things also along the way.

Bruce nodded and ripped his vest and started to lightly smashing things, after Bruce went to get the Time stone from Strange, the rest of us made our way to the Tower to get the Space and Mind stone. 

(Fifteen Minutes Later)

Scott, Roisin, and Tony was looking out from the building across Stark Tower while me and Steve.

Tony: Alright Cap, kid things look like their about to wrapped up there.

Steve: Got it. I'm approaching the elevator now.

Evander: I'm at the stairwell. Steve, let me know when you got the scepter, tell me what floor you is on so I can get it.

Steve: Copy, that.

Tony: Roisin, make your way to the lobby and get ready for my past self and the other's down there.

Roisin: Alright.

Tony's Pov

After Roisin leaves I quickly fly over and see my past self and the others standing around as I then see 2012 Steve in his old suit.

Tony: Oh, Mr. Rogers, I forgot that suit didn;t do anything for your ass.

Steve: No one asked you to look Tony.

Tony: It's ridiculous.

Evander: I kinda agree with Stark. Hell my ass was bigger than yours and my suit wasn't that tight on me.

Steve: Thanks Evander..

Scott: I think you look great Cap. You ask me that's America's ass.

Roisin: *snickers quietly* America's ass.

As I'm standing around and saw Rumlow's S.T.R.I.K.E. team along side with Jasper Sitwell.

Evander's Pov

I was still in the stairwell waiting to Steve to contact me and he did so.

Steve: Evander, I got the scepter and I'm out of the elevator. Meet me on the 15th floor.

Evander: On it.

I web zipped to the 15th floor and met with Steve who gave me the scepter and he went to go see Bruce if he gotten the Time stone. I was about to leaves but my spider sense went off and saw my past self in my old suit.

Evander: Fucking come on.

Evander(2012): Okay who the fuck are you, cause I know you isn't Loki.

Evander: What gave it away? My tone of voice?

Evander(2012): The fact you is wearing an different suit from me and your voice is deeper.

Evander: I hate being a smartass.

I took off my mask as well did past me.

Evander: Meet your future self jack ass.

Evander(2012): So time travel is real. Heh Brock and Gwen owe me five bucks.

Evander: Yeah those

Evander(2012): Okay why the hell are you here? Did Stark fuck shit up in the future?

Evander: More like everyone fucked up.

Evander(2012): Oh great....and you need the scepter to help?

I nodded my head as I watched my past self sigh and shook his head.

Evander(2012): Alright, go. And you better hurry.

Evander: Heh thanks past me, and I'm going to warn you about something.

Evander(2012): Would that fuck up your time?

Evander: No, back to the future was bullshit.

Evander(2012): Oh great, and what is the warning?

Evander: Be careful with females around Cassandra.

Past me looked at me confused as I put my mask on and patted his shoulder before turning invisible and leaves the tower.

(Ten Minutes Later)

I made it to the alley way where I heard Tony calling for me.

Tony: Hey, kid.

I turned to see Roisin, Tony, and Scott in a car as Steve was there too.

Tony: We've got a problem buddy.

Scott: Yeah we do.

They then started to explain to me about what had happen with the tesseract as I just faceplams.

Evander: Well, what are we gonna do now?

Roisin: Bro, curt me some slack. I got hit in the face by the Hulk.

Scott then started to freak out saying we got no other options.

Tony: Wait, I think I know how we can get more Pym particles.

Roisin: How? 

Tony: *looks at me and Steve* A little trip down memory lane, Camp Lehigh

Steve: When were they there?

Tony: I have a vague idea.

Evander: How vague idea Stark?

Tony: I remember the coordinates.

Scott: What are you talking about.

Evander: We're improving Scotty. *toss him the scepter* Get this back to the compound.

Me, Tony, and Steve  started putting in the coordinates as I hugged Roisin and told her that I'll be back in a minutes as we activated our suits and went into the quantum realm to go back to New Jersey in the 70's.

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