Chapter 28: Meeting Pierce

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3rd Pov

At a hospital a car pulled up as Natasha was the one who was driving it as she got out of the car and rushed into the hospital and into the observation room to see Steve and Hill there but no Evander.

Natasha: *whispers to Steve* Where's Evander?

Steve: I don't know.

Soon a person dropped to the ground as it was Evander who deactivated his camouflage.

Evander: Right here.

Natasha: Where was you?

Evander: Deal with something....*rips a web off of his chest*

Natasha: A web?

Evander: Question for later Nat.

Natasha: *sighs and looks at Steve* Is he going to make it? 

Steve: I don't know.

Natasha: Tell me about the shooter. 

Steve: He's fast. Strong. Had a metal arm. 

Natasha: .........Ballistics? 

Maria: Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable.

Evander: How can that be? Unless......

Natasha: Soviet-made. 

Maria: Yeah..

Soon Fury started to have problems.

Evander: Bloody hell.......Nickie don't die on me I want to tell you more of my jokes...

The doctors called it, Nick Fury was confirmed dead.

Evander's Pov

After all of the that the doctors allowed us to say our final goodbyes. After a few minutes Hill came in.

Maria: I need to take him. 

I watched as Steve walks up to Natasha and called out her name as she leaves I look at Fury's body.

Evander: Guess I'll see you in the after life one eye pirate...

I walked outside as I saw that Steve was going after Natasha as I followed them. 

Steve: Natasha!

Natasha: Why was Fury in your apartment? 

Steve: *sighs* I don't know.

Natasha: *looks at me* Why did you have web on your chest.

Evander: I fought someone with spider powers like me. And for some reason they had my shadow powers too.

Natasha: You sure?

Evander: Yeah they can do a shadow punch and got their own pocket dimension. 

Rumlow: *walks behind us* Cap, Shadow they want the both of you back at S.H.I.E.L.D. 

Steve: Yeah, give us a second. 

Rumlow: They want you two now.

Steve: Okay.

Rumlow soon walks back to his team.

Evander: Fucken hell.

Natasha: You're a terrible liar. *walks off*

Evander: Things won't get easy would they?

Steve: No. Evander I got a question.

Evander: Hm?

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