Chapter 43: Shadow Spider vs The Hulk

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Evander's Pov

(African Coast)

The Avengers and I made it to the African Coast, as we made it to Klaue's boat stealthly and started sneaking around as me, Alexander, Steve, and Thor went to face Ultron, Natasha and Clint gets into position on the floor above.

Ultron: I'm nothing like Stark he's....he's a sickness!

Me, Thor, Steve, and Alexander walks up as Tony lands right in front of us.

Tony: Ah, Junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart.

Ultron: If I have to.

Thor: Nobody has to break anything.

Ultron: Clearly you've never made an omelet. 

Tony: He beat me by one second.

Evander: Fucking kill me....

Pietro: Ah, yes. He's funny,. Mr. Stark. It's what? Comfortable? *looks at the missiles* Like old times? 

Tony: This was never my life.

Steve: Yiu three can still walk away from this. 

Eve: *scoffs*

Wanda: Oh we will.

Steve: I know you've suffered.... 

Ultron: *chuckles* Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but...

Alexander: If you believe in peace, then let us keep it that way.

Ultron: I think you're confusing 'peace' with 'quiet' brat. 

Tony: Uh-huh. What's the vibranium for? 

Ultron: I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan. 

Ultron then blasted Tony as his bots showed up and started a fight with us. I threw the bot and ran up to Wanda but I was hit by an ice blast from Eve which froze me but I busted out and got throw by the same bot I was dealing with. After a few minutes of me fighting the bot I grabbed it and rips it in half before throwing the halves at some gunmen as my spider sense went off as I dodged an ice blast again and saw Eve.

Evander: I don;t wanna fight you.

Eve: Just shut up.

I watch her charged after me as I was about to get ready I then saw Alexander swing kicked her.

Alexander: I deal with her just take out the gunmen. *runs off*

Some gunmen soon runs up and started firing at me but I soon punched the ground with my shadow powers which knocked them back as I activated my comms.

Evander: Thor, status.

Thor: The girl tried to wrap my mind. Take special care. I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty. *comms shut off*

Evander: The fuck? Wait...shit she can wrap minds.

More gunmen showed up as I started taking them down one by one as I dealt with one more Ultron bot as I see that the team was being taking down one by one from Wanda's mind games as I got myself ready to take her down I heard Clint on the comms.

Clint: Who's ever standing we got to move!

Evander: Clint I think the whole teams down. Its just you, me and Stark.

Clint: Do you see any of the them kid?

Evander: No just gunmen and Ultron's bots around me.

After finding the team Tony soon came to comms.

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