Chapter 69: The Kidnapping of Roisin and Aerith

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Alexander's Pov

I was back at home watching the news as Evander's villains broke out of the RAFT with the help of Venom who I found out to be Eddie thanks to Cassandra talking with Evander. I just let out a annoying sigh.

Alexander: Great that's just great. At least Evander told me and Miles about on how to deal with his villains. Kinda glad that Red Death is somewhat gone for good cause he would be a huge problem for everyone..

Angel: *walks in* Alex, you saw the news?

Alexander: Just did and this is going to be very hard on me and Miles since Evander is not coming back to be a hero.

Angel: He just need time to choice if he want to be a hero again. *sits down* You know that he been a hero before you, Miles, and Cassandra.

Alexander: I know that mom. It's been months and I mean months since he left the hero work onto me and Miles. And that stressing us out.

Angel: But did you even ask him if he was stress as he had to deal with all of that by himself.

I open my mouth to say something but in the end mom was right. I didn't even ask him if he was stress and probably Cassandra knew about him being stress and I just looked at my hands.

Alexander: .....No I haven't.

Angel: And that's your answer. So just give him time okay?

Alexander: I'll give him time.

Angel: Good. *smiles*

Alexander: Anyway where's Roisin?

Angel: Oh a friend called and told me that Roisin is walking home with a friend of Evander.

Alexander: Huh? Okay??

The doorbell soon ranged as I gotten up and opens the door to see Roisin with Eddie.

Eddie: Hey Alex. *smiles*

Alexander: Rose get away from him!

Roisin: H-huh?

Alexander: NOW!!

I was about to punch him but a tendril hit me knocking me into the kitchen as I gotten up and saw Venom holding Roisin.

Alexander: You let her go you bastard!!!

Venom: Or what?

I growled and fired webs at him and pulled myself towards Venom and punched him in the face but he grabbed me with his free hand and slammed me to the ground and lift me up to met his face.

Venom: You is weak compare to us and Evander and if you or any other heroes come near us. We'll kill Roisin.

Alexander: Piss off you poor excuse of a host!

Venom growled angrily and slammed me to the ground again and throws me through the house as some debris fell on me. I broke out as I didn't see him.

Alexander: Damnit! Why?!

Angel: *gets up* Ow...

Alexander: Mom you okay?!

Angel: I'm fine....just go after him.

Alexander: Got it!

I rushed to change into my suit and jumps out of the house and started web swinging to look for Venom.

3rd Pov

In the Harper's Household Cassandra was out getting somethings for the house while her mother Camia was playing with Aerith as the rest of the family was out during their own things.

Camia: Awww you love playing with grandma huh?

Aerith: *nods her head and smiles*

Camia: Hehe my lil cute nieta(granddaughter) so precious. *kisses her cheek*

Aerith was smiling even more as went on to play with her plushies that she gotten. But then the both of them heard a thud coming from the roof confusing them.

Camia: ¿Qué? (What?)

Before Camia could say anything Venom crashed through their roof as Camia quickly grabbed Aerith and moved out of the way.

Camia: What? Evander?!

Venom: Sorry wrong host.

Camia: W-why are you here?!

Venom: That's easy. Give us Aerith.

Camia: No!!

Venom: *growls* So being stubborn. Oh how we hate stubborn people.

Venom then use a tendril and grabbed Camia and Aerith as Camia was struggling to break free and attack Venom he then throws her into a room as he look at the now scared Aerith.

Venom: We'll going to have some fun with you brat and don't worry your aunt is joining you. *looks to where he threw Camia* AND YOU BETTER TELL YOUR DAUGHTER THAT ONLY EVANDER CAN SAVE THEM AND IF WE SEE ANYONE ELSE WE'LL KILL THIS BRAT AND ROISIN!!

Venom then jumps out of the house and webs swings away in the mere distance. As Cassandra made it back home to see a giant hole from her roof and saw her mother limping out of her room.

Cassandra: Mama!! *runs to her* You okay?!

Camia: I-i'll be fine.

Cassandra: Where Aerith?!

Camia: That alien ooze took her and he even took Roisin.

Cassandra: .....I'm gonna kill that fucker!

Camia: Cassandra no!

Cassandra: What? Why not?!

Camia: H-he'll kill them if anyone expect Evander come to save them.

Cassandra grips her fist tightly as soon an big explosion happen as Cassandra runs out of the house and saw the smoke coming from deeper in the city as her phone rang and answered it.

Cassandra: Yeah?!

Alexander: Where are you?!

Cassandra: I'm at home! The hell was that explosion?!

Alexander: Evander's villains! Me and Miles are dealing with them now but we could use some help!!

Cassandra: I-i'm on my way!

She quickly runs into her room and put her suit on as she slammed her fist together making a portal and she runs inside to go and help Miles and Alexander.

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