Chapter 15: New Student

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Evander's Pov

(Three Days Later)

It's was three days since I hanged out with my friends, now we're in school as they teacher was teaching some math he soon heard a knock as she open the door and I heard some noises as the teacher come back.

Teacher: Class we have a new student today and she will introduce herself.

Soon I saw a girl walked in and stared at everyone.

Soon I saw a girl walked in and stared at everyone

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(in regular clothes)

Francine: Hey, I'm Francine Dillon or you can call me Fran.

Teacher: Okay you can sit next to Evander. Evander raised your hand please?

I soon sighed as I raised my hand and saw that the new girl sat next to me.

Francine: Hey.

Evander: Yo, I'm Evander or just call me Guts.

Francine: Why?

Evander: Cause I have the guts to face people who is somewhat 'better' than me.

Francine: Oh weird but okay.

Evander: Eh my pops gave me the nickname.

Francine: Oh nice.

I smiled at her out of nowhere my spider sense went off as I quickly looked around for the threat but couldn't seem to find it as I just shrugged and went on with the rest of class.

(One Hour Later)

It was after class as I was walking back to my locker I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Francine.

Evander: You need something?

Francine: Can you show me around the school cause I'm getting really confused.

Evander: Lucky enough I'm free until twelve so sure. Follow me.

I started showing Francine the school as I was talking to her and whole getting to know about her as my spider sense was still going off for some reason.

Evander: 'The hell is going on with my spider sense? I see no danger what so ever.' *sighs*

Francine: Something wrong man?

Evander: Oh nothing just some stuff I was thinking off don't worry.

Francine: Alright.

Evander: Okay back onto the tour.

I started giving Francine the tour again as I was still questioning on why my spider sense is going off.

3rd Pov

As Evander was question on why his spider sense was going off, the reason on why it was going off is because they was being watch and it was by Cassandra as she was glaring at the two mainly at Francine.

Cassandra; *whispering* Why did she asked him out of everyone in this fucking school? *growling a bit* What is she up to? 

Cassandra was getting even pissed off by the second as she gripped the wall before it staretd cracking and she let go.

Cassandra: Mierda.(Shit) Need to keep my strength a secret. Glad that there are no camera around the section. Now back onto Guts and the new girl...

She kept on following Evander and Francine as she was keeping a good distance so that they won't notice her.

(After School)

Evander's Pov

It was after school as I said goodbye to Francine as she gave me her number so one day we can hang out as of now I'm riding my skateboard with Gwen, Eddie, and Cassandra who seem to have a pissed off look on her face.

Evander: Yo Cass, are okay?

Gwen: Yeah you had that look all day today.

Cassandra: I'm fine just something came up and it pissed me off.

Eddie: Then what is it?

Cassandra: ¡No es asunto tuyo! (None of your damn business)

Evander: Woah Cass chill out. *gets off my board and walks up to her* Cass, head down now.

She does so as I started giving her headpats as I look to see her expression changed from a pissed off to a happy one.

Evander: Better?

Cassandra: *smiling* Yeah.

Evander: Good, jeez something really pissed you off to cuss at Eddie in spanish.

Cassandra: Sorry Eddie.

Eddie: It's okay things happen that's all.

I chuckled as my spider sense went off again but this time I heard sirens and gun fire.

Eddie: Great their at it again.

Evander: Yeah, Imma go. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

I soon started making my way towards where a spot to change into my suit.

Cassandra's Pov

I was confused on why Evander leaves as we hear sirens and gun shots.

Cassandra: Isn't it weird that Evander always leaves when stuff like this happens?

Gwen: WEll you know how his moms is when this stuff go down.

Cassandra: yeah you is right. Imma go follow him.

Eddie: Okay no funny business.

Cassandra; Shut up.

I went after Evander as I saw him running into an alley which confused me as I carefully sneaked to the alley and look in and saw Evander wear the Shadow Spider suit as I saw him turned around and I quickly hid. After a few seconds I saw him in the air web swinging towards where the violence is happening.

Cassandra: I can't believe my own crush is the super hero that saved me during that alien invasion....*smiles*

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