Chapter 97: Asgard 2013

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Cassandra's Pov

(Asgard 2013)

After landing on Asgard in 2013, me, Rocket, and Thor started sneaking throughout the castle searching for the Reality stone. As we was sneaking around we past by a cell holding Thor's brother Loki. We then made it to the main area and started looking for where we can find the Reality stone. We look to the corner and saw Thor's ex-girlfriend Jane outside of her room.

Thor: Oh, that's Jane

She then leaves as Rocket looked at Thor.

Rocket: Okay, tubby here's the plan: You're gonna charm her, while I suck the reality stone out of here.

Cassandra: I don;t know fat ass can charm her Rocket.

Thor: Actually, I'm going to go down the hall. My father used to have this barrel of alcohol, and I see if I can get the three of us some cups.

Cassandra: Oh mi jodido Dios......(Oh my fucking god)

We then heard some noises as we hid and then spotted a couple of women.

Rocket: Who's the fancy chick?

Thor: That's my mother, she dies today.

Cassandra: Oh......

Thor stared to panic but Rocket started slapping some sense into him.

Rocket: You think you're the only one who lost people? What do you think we're doing here? I lost the only family I have ever had. Quill, Groot, Drax, that chick with the antenna. Their all gone. So is it too much to ask to wipe the crums from your bread and help us get the infinity stone, so I can get my family back.

Thor: Okay, your right

Cassandra: You got this man.

Thor: Okay, I can do this.

Me and Rocket then sneaked forwards as we turned our head as Thor wasn't with us.

Cassandra: Damnit.....

Rocket: Ugh, let's just get the stone.

Me and Rocket sneaked into the room as she was asleep and Rocket told me to keepo a look out as he was going to get the stone out of her. Some minutes laster Rocket walked up next to me.

Rocket: *whispering* I got it.

Cassandra: *whispering* Okay, let's find the fat fuck and get the hell out of here.

I turned to my right and saw guards walking towards us as I cursed in spanish and grabbed Rocket and started running away from them. I stopped and saw that we lost them.

Cassandra: Alright we lost them.

Rocket: Let's go fine Thor and get the hell out of here.

I grabbed Rocket again and started running for a couple of minutes as we spotted Thor with his mother.

Cassandra: Hola, you must be Thor's mother. Nice to meet ya.

Rocket: We need to go come on.

Thor said goodbye to his mother as he then stick his hand out in the air.

Rocket: The hell is he even doing?

Thor's Mother: Oh sometimes it take a minute.

Cassandra: Wait.....

Then Thor's original hammer came into his hands as he was smirking.

Thor: Haha!! I'm still worthy.

WE then activated out suits as Thor said goodbye to his mother as we then shrunk into the quantum realm on our way back to the coumpound.

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