Chapter 44: A Safe House

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Tony's Pov

Everyones back on  the jet as Clint was flying to somewhere. Right now I'm talking with Hill as she was giving us an update on the situation.

Maria: The news is loving you guys.  Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air, the people are thanking Evander on getting everyone out from that building.

Tony: The Stark Relief Foundation? 

Maria: Already on the scene. How's the team?

Tony: Everyone's....We took a hit, We'll shake it off.

Maria: Well, for now I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here. 

Tony: So, run and hide? 

Maria: Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer.

Tony: *sighs* Neither do we.

I soon cut the communication as I walk up to Clint.

Tony: hey, you wanna switch out? 

Clint: No, I'm good. You might wanna to check up on the kid see if his wounds is regenerating, we're a few hours away.

Tony: From where?

Clint: A safe house.

I sighed again and made my way to where Evander  and Alexander is as Evander was sleeping still, and Alexander is watching him.

Tony: His wounds healing up?

Alexander: Not some of them I had to stich some up but he's going to get more stiches cause for some reason his healing factor is working on some of the wounds.

Tony: Alright.

I soon walks away to sit down and wait for the few hours.

Evander's Pov

(Five Hours Later...)

I started to open my eyes as I was still in pain from the fight with the Hulk and lifting up that building, i started to get up but grips my side in pain as I heard footsteps and saw Alexander.

Alexander: You need to stop moving or your wounds will reopen.

Evander: Fine....Where are we?

Alexander: A safe house Clint said. Let me help you up.

Alexander soon helped me up and helps out to get out of the jet and we followed the rest as we stopped at a house.

Thor: What is this place? 

Tony: Safe house.

Clint: let's hope.

Clint soon opens the door as he help Natasha inside.

Clint: Honey? I'm home.

We was all confused by this as we entered inside the house to see it was a normal looking home as we saw a pregnant woman walks into the living room as she saw us.

Clint: Company. Sorry, didn't call ahead. 

Tony: This is an agent of some kind.

Clint: *loos at us* Gentlemen, this is Laura. 

Laura: I know all of your names. 

Tony gives out an awkward waves as we soon hear footsteps as we saw two kids rush down the stairs and hugs Clint.

Tony: These are smaller agents. 

Steve: Sorry for barging in on you.

Tony: Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed. 

Clint: Yeah, well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files. i'd like to keep it that way. i figure it's a good place to lay low.

Evander: Welp good old Nickie. *chuckles but grunts in pain* Crap....

Alexander: Stop laughing or it gets worst man.

Clint soon walked over to me and Alexander give me to him.

Clint: Lets go fix you right up buddy.

I sighed as I nodded my head as Clint took me to get my wounds treated as I was confused on why my healing factor didn't kicked in as fast as it usual does.

(Three Hours Later)

After getting stiched up and taking a shower, I put on some clothes Clint gave me as I walked outside to see Steve and Tony cutting wood as i heard them talking about Thor leaving the team.

Evander: Look guys I don't know why Thor left but it must been something that that wizard girl showed him.

Tony: They kid is right, Steve, and Evander you should be resting.

Evander: *shrugs* Too stubborn to listen.

Steve: Earth Mightiest Heroes. He pulled us apart, like cotton candy.

Tony: Seems like you walked away all right. 

Steve: *looks at Tony* Is that a problem?

Tony: I don't trust a guy without a dark side. Call me old-fashioned. 

Steve: Well let's just say you haven't seen it yet.

Tony: *looks at me* What about you kid?

Evander: I don't have a dark side but tends to hides it from everyone.

Tony: You guys know Ultron is trying to tear us apart, right? 

Steve: Well I guess you'd know. Whether you'd tell us is a bit of a question. 

Tony: Banner and I were doing research... 

Steve: That would affect the them...

Tony: That would end the team! Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the 'Why we fight'? So we can end the fight. So that we can go home!

Steve soon rips a log in half with his hands as he looks at Tony.

Steve: Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time. 

Soon Laura walks up to us.

Laura: I'm sorry. Mr. Stark...Clint said you wouldn't mind, but our tractor deosn;t seem to want to start at all. I thought maybe you might...

Tony: Yeah, I'll give her a kick. *points at his pile of wood* Don't take from my pile.

Evander: I better go with him to make sure he don't bring that tractor to life.

I followed Tony inside of the barn and saw the tractor as I watch Tony started messing with the tractor until we heard a voice.

???: Do me a favor Stark. Try not to bring it to life.

Evander: *sees the man* Fury.

Tony and Fury started talking with each other as I was listening. After some time we soon leaves the barn and headed toward the home to create a plan to stop Ultron.

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