Chapter 41: Party Time

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Evander's Pov

(Couple of Days Later)

Today is the day of the party as it was packed. There are the avengers, other heroes and WW2 veterans. Right now I'm playing a game of pool with Sam as Steve was watching.

Evander: Now Sam watch as this youngster kick your old ass in pool.

Sam: *scoffs* I like to see you try.

I smirked at what he said and look at the pool balls and started scanning the pool as I use the stick and aim at one of the ball and I hit it with enough force as the ball hit two others as they enter in.

Evander: See told you.

Sam: Per luck kid.

I rolled my eyes and we went on with our game as it ending up with me winning, after that we went to the bar to get another drink. I then went to where Tony, Thor, and Rhodey was as we all listen to Rhodey as he was telling us what he did on his recently mission.

Rhodey: So the suit can take the weight. I take the tank fly it up to the Palace. I drop it at the generals and I say, "Boom, you looking at this."

I looked at Tony and Thor as we had an unimpressed look on our faces as Rhodey took notice.

Rhodey: "Boom you looking at this." Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else I tell that story it kills.

Evander: Maybe younger me would love that story but meh.

Thor: So that's the whole story?

Rhodey: It's a Warmachine's story.

Thor: Well, then it's very good. Quite impressive.

Evander: Good save.

Rhodey: So, no Pepper. She's not coming tonight?

Tony: No.

I soon watched as Hill walks over to us.

Maria: And no Jane either where are the ladies, gentlemen. I mean how is that Evander got a girlfriend and you two don't.

Evander: *starts laughing*

Soon Tony and Thor started to compare their girlfriends to see whose better.

Maria: Yeah, it's a shame they couldn't be because I'm sure they'd hate miss seeing you two get together.

Evander: *laughing even more* I need to leave my gut is killing me.

I soon leave the others as I was still laughing.

(Three Hours Later)

It's been a few hours and the party was pretty much over as of now it's just the other Avengers and I, along with Alexander, Hill, Rhodey, and Dr. Cho. We was sitting together as Clint was making fun of Thor's hammer logic.

Clint: It's all a trick.

Thor: No, no it's much more than that.

Clint: 'Oh, whoever shall be worthy shall have the power!!!' Whatever man, it's a trick.

Thor: *points at his hammer* Well, please be my guest.

Clint: Really? *stands up and walks towards the hammer*

Alexander: Oh hold on Clint you been through a tough week. We won't hold it to you if you can't pick it up and break your back.

Everyone started laughing after what Alexander said.

Clint: I have seen this before kid. 

We all wake him tries to lift it up but fails.

Clint: I just don't get how you do it.

Tony: Smell of silence judgement.

Clint: Well, please Stark, by all means.

Tony: *gets up and walks to the hammer* This is all physics. So if I lift this I then rule Asgard?

Thor: Yes, of course.

Tony soon tries and falls. He then  had Rhodey helped him but they both failed. Everyone else has tried to pick it up expect for Dr. Cho. After that Steve soon tries to lift the hammer as i saw it moved a bit but he soon failed too. We all soon look at Natasha.

Bruce: Widow? 

Natasha: No, no that's not a question I need answered.

Soon everyone looks at me and Alexander.

Clint: Alright Axes you guys turn.

Evander: *looks at Alexander* Ladies first.

Alexander: Oh hell...

I watched as Alexander tries to pick up the hammer and fails as she looks at me.

Alexander: Your turn bro.

Evander: Okay.

I gotten up  and walks over to the hammer as I grabbed and to my surprised I actually lift it up and it was in my hands as I see the shock faces of everyone expect Thor.

Evander: Huh groovy. *flips the hammer*

Alexander: Oh that is some bullshit!

Thor: I know the young kid is worthy.

I put the hammer back down and sat right next to Alexander.

Tony: Well, it's safe that it's rigged.

Clint: You bet your ass.

Maria: Steve, he said a bad language word.

Steve: *looks at me and Tony* You two told people that?

Evander: *chuckles* Maybe.

Tony: The handle had a security code. Who ever shall be carrying Thor's finger prints is the literal translation until the kid picked it up.

Thor: Yes, that's somewhat the catch, but I have a simpler one. *picks up Mjolnir* You all expect one is not worthy.

We all started laughing until we all heard a loud noise. Moments later one of Tony's bots came up and started talking as it named itself Ultron and that Tony and Bruce made him. And his goal was to destroy the Avengers, then out of nowhere more corrupted bots fly out and went after us as Steve kick the table as we started dealing with the bots. After some minutes I notice that one bot was heading it's way towards Dr. Cho but I grabbed it and throws it to Thor.

Evander: Thor!!

He comes in and destroyed it as I saw Steve throws his shield destroying the last of the bot as it only leaves Ultron. He then went on of how the Avengers meant well but was needed to be destroy as I had enough of hearing him as I grabbed Mjolnir and throws it at Ultron destroying the bot body as I gave Thor his hammer back.

Evander: Fucking asshole.

Alexander: You tell me.

We then went up to the lab and to find out what had happened.

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