Chapter 20: Attack In Time Square

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Evander's Pov

(Three Weeks Later)

It's been three weeks as we heard what happened to Francine and her father as she was still breathing out of a tube as her father was declared dead. Right now we was out of school and walking.

Evander: Jeez...this month is getting worse.

Eddie: You tell me man, first we got a new friend and now she's in a coma to where we don't know if she survive.

Gwen: And she lost her father too in the process during that accident.

Cassandra: Life just hates everyone you know.

Evander: Yeah I always hate life...*clenched my fist* First is my old  man, now is a friend that I just made.....Damnit.....*clenched my fist even more*

I soon felt someone grabbed my hand as I look to see Cassandra as I stared at her.

Cassandra: Gutsy, I know life wasn't good for you in the past year but I don't want to see you like this okay?

Evander: .......*sighs* Okay, okay.

Cassandra: *smiles* How about this we go on a date maybe that will cheer you up while Eddie and Gwen go check on Francine.

Eddie: I'm fine with that.

Gwen: Alright, have fun you two.

Evander: Yeah, see ya guys.

Me and Cassandra soon leaves Eddie and Gwen as we went to my house to drop out bags there and went into the city to have our date.

3rd Pov

(Timeskip to Night Time)

In the hospital that hold Francine, in the morgue was the charcoal body of Max Dillon was there still smoking as he jolt back to life causing him to fall onto the ground which the charcoal parts started to break off as the lights in the room was going off. He soon started to crawl to a wall looking at his hand as it was blue, a cutting saw turned on and fall above him but he stopped it with electricity and put it on the ground. He soon gets up as the charcoal parts was breaking off of him as he put on some pants, sweater, and shoes before leaving. With Francine, she was still sleeping as a nurse went to check up on her the nurse walks in Francine's vitals when up as electricity was going through her vines. Before the nurse could get the doctor an explosion of electricity happened in the room as Francine was wide awake.

Francine: W-what the hell? *looked around* S-shit..

She soon grabbed a hoodie before jumping through the window and landing on a car with made the cars around her to go on and off.

Francine: O-oh man...*runs off*

With Evander and Cassandra they was enjoying their date as they was walking through a park after seeing a movie that Cassandra liked but Evander hated.

Evander: That was one of the most terrible movie that I ever watched in my life.

Cassandra: Come on it wasn't that bad.

Evander: It was and I wasted twenty bucks on food that I didn't eat because I fell asleep.

Cassandra: That's your fault for buying the huge popcorn which I ate it.

As they was walking through out the park as Evander's spider sense went off as Cassandra's phone went off as she answered it.

Cassandra: Hello?

Gwen: Cass! Francine's gone!

Cassandra: She's dead?!

Gwen: No like she's not in her room! Me and Eddie don't know where she is!

Cassandra: Shit!

Cassandra looked up to not see Evander but his jacket, shirt, jeans, and shoes confusing Cassandra but she saw  glowing lights coming from Time Square as she knew he was making his way there. In Time Square the police was surrounding Max and Francine.

Max: P-please it's not our fault!

Francine: Stop!

Officer: Calm down sir and ma'am everything will be just fine. Stay where you are.

The police try to get near the two but Francine became more nervous as she dished out some electricity that made a cop car to flipped over and went flying luckily Evander came quickly and caught the car before it could hit an police officer.

Evander: *holding the car* I'm glad you're not one of those cops who ride horses.

He then toss the car to the side as he approaches Max and Francine.

Evander: Hey sparkies.

Both Max and Francine turned to look at Evander as his eyes widen to see Francine.

Evander: Francine?

Francine: S-shadow Spider?

Evander: Yeah yeah that's me.

Max: You remember me?

Evander: That voice? Max! My eyes and ears, what happened to the both of you?

Francine: I-i can't remember...I-i-i..

Evander: Okay just calm down we will figure something out just carefully to me.

Both Max and Francine started walking towards Evander but stepped on water causing both of them to be electricuted, as a sniper shots at the two but missed as they both send an electrical blast at where the sniper is at. Evander soon fired two webs at them as the webs turned into a cord with transfer some electricity to him shocking him and sending him into a police car as he was holding his ribs and took notice that a billboard was going to fall on a officer he fired a web at him and pulling the officer out of the way. The crowd started cheering him on while booing at Max and Francine as they was getting angry.

Max: You set us...

Evander: No I didn't!

Francine: You lie to us!

Evander: No I'm trying help you two! Let me help!

Evander's words didn't stopped the two from channeling some of their energy and slammed it onto the ground towards him as he flipped over the police car and his spider sense went off slowing everything down. It detected that two people was about to touch the metal rods and one person was behind him as he started to make his arms to be covered in dark aura he shot out his webs but their was now dark purple which stopped the car from hitting the person. He then jumps over and fired two webs at the people who was about to touch the meta rods and pulled the webs which stopped them as he lands as everyone soon saw him saved them and they runs off as the crowd cheered him more.

Francine: Die!

She soon fired more electricity at him but Evander dodges out of the way and fired a web at her before using a shadow punch and punched her down, he moved out of the way as Max started firing his electricity at him but he was soon hit by it and crashed onto the ground and into a building in which he jumps out of it.

Evander: *holding his sides* Okay....need to make my suit electrical proof from now on. 

Max charges at Evander but was soon hit by water as the fire fighters came to Evander's rescue.

Fire fighter#1: We got you Shadow Spider.

Evander: *give him a thumbs up* Thanks!

He soon walked over to where Francine is as she was knocked out from his punch and see Max twitching as the police was approaching him as he sighs.

Evander: I'm sorry that both of you have to go through this....

He soon leaves the area and headed home.

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