Chapter 64: Fighting Thugs/Leaving A Gift

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Evander's Pov

(Next Day)

It's the next day as it was my week off after doing good work for my job. Now I'm just playing with Scotty while watching tv. I threw the ball away watching Scotty runs for it I turned my head to see the news was on as it was talking about the disappearances of me being Shadow Spider making me sighed a bit.

Evander: Jeez people are that worried about me? Come n you guys got two other spider heroes protecting the city but you always cares about me. Give me a break for once.

Scotty: *runs back with the ball in his mouth*

Evander: *smiles* Man you is fast Scotty. How about we get some food how about it?

Scotty: *drops the ball and barks*

Evander: I'll take that as a yes buddy.

I gotten up and walks towards the kitchen and open one of the cabnets  but saw Scotty empty bag of food.

Evander: Shit you is sure growing up Scotty, have to get you even more food. So, I'll be right back bud.

I grabbed my keys put my shoes and jacket on and walks out of the house and started walking towards the nearest corner store that sells Scotty's dog food. After some minutes of walking I made it to the store and enter into to start looking for the dog food. I soon grabbed the bag as my spider sense went off as I turn my head  and saw three thugs trying to rob the place.

Evander: .....I should step in but need to use my powers. *put the bag down and walks up* Hey left this store if you value your faces and bones.

Thug#1: *scoffs* You won't do shit man. Your not a super hero.

Evander: *chuckles* Oh you is so wrong on that part. So Imma say it again leave or else.

One of the thugs grew tried of me and tried to punch me but I easily dodged and punched him in the face and kneed him in the gut. His friend tried to hit me from behind as I caught the fist and elbowed him in the side and broke his hand and knocked him out with a punch as I look at the thug I was talking to.

Evander: I did warned you idiots.

Thug#1: *started to walk back looking shocked and scared* 

Evander: And now I'll have to break your nose.

I socked him in the face breaking his nose as I told him that I would down and looked at the clerk.

Evander: You okay?

Store Clerk: Y-yeah. Thanks mister.

Evander: Eh it's nothing really, just wanna help out that's all. *walks to the bag and back to the clerk* How much is this?

Store Clerk: I-it's ten dollars sir.

I hands the clerk ten buck and smiled.

Evander: Thanks, and I'll get these guys out of your store.

Store Clerk: O-okay.

I walked over grabbing the three thugs and walked out of the store and to an alley way and looked around as I didn't see anybody as I thrown them to the ground leaving a note for anyone as I just walked back home.

(Three Hours Later)

It's been three hours as I fed myself and Scotty, now I'm just scrolling through my phone as I looked at the date saying it was the eleventh as I just remembered it was Aerith's birthday.

Evander: .........

 I didn't want to give her a gift wanting to distance myself but my pride told me to go get one as I grabbed my jacket and put my hood one as I open a window and jumps off started to web swing across the city looking for a gift for her.

Evander: Okay if I remember she really loves plushies, cats, and dogs.....I'll get her a cat plushie cause they are somewhat cheaper...Just need to find a store that sells them. 

Cassandra's Pov

Me and my family celerberated Aerith's fifth birthday, as I tries t put up a smile so that Aerith didn't see me depressed as it work. Now she's playing with her toys while I was watching her still having that smile as my mom sat next to me.

Camia: How are you feeling sweetie.

Cassandra: Oh, I'm fine. *smiles*

Camia: Cassandra, I know that a fake smile went I see one....You is still thinking about him aren't you?

Cassandra: *looks at the floor* Yes...I am....

Camia: He left for a good reason Cass.

Cassandra: I-i know that i-it's just I want him to stay but knowing Aerith was scared of him I acted cold to him, and leashed out at him as I saw him fighting tears....It just makes me feel horrible for what I said to him.

Camia: Así es la vida, cariño. Nunca mejorará, solo hay que aprender y adaptarse a ello. (That's life sweetie. It will never get better just have to learn and adapt to it.)

Cassandra: I know I have to adapt mama....but I just can't with him..

We then heard the door bell being rung confusing me and my mama as no one was coming today as I gotten up and opens the door not seeing anyone just a box with a note saying 'Happy Birthday'. I grabbed the box and walks inside.

Camia: Who was it?

Cassandra: I don't know, just this box and note saying happy birthday.

Camia: Well open it and see what's in the box.

I then opens the box and saw a cat plushie.

I then opens the box and saw a cat plushie

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Cassandra: An cat plushie? Weird. *looks at Aerith* Hey Ariel, someone got you this.

Aerith the looks towards me and saw the plushie as I saw her eyes brighten and rushes towards me as I gave her the plushie and watches her hugs it tightly.

Cassandra: I see you like the gift. *smiles a bit* But who gave it to us?

Camia: Don't know maybe Alex?

Cassandra: No. She would give her a lot of candy, and that she did so...wait...did Evander brought in the gift?

Camia: If so he still loves Aerith and you.

I smiled more at what my mama said.

3rd Pov

Evander was sitting on a roof as he watched Cassandra taking the gift he got.

Evander: *smiled a bit* I really hope that she liked it. Now time to head back home.

He turned on his camouflage and started webs swings back home but unknowing to him he was being watched by Venom as they looked at Cassandra's House.

Venom: If we take his daughter and someone else he will come back in that suit. *smiles* Yesss now time for a reunion. 

Venom then started following Evander.

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