Chapter 50: Avengers......

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Evander's Pov

(One Week Later, Upstate, New York)

It's been a week since we defeated Ultron, I was spending time with my family for the time being but now I'm with Stark, Thor, and Steve as we are in the new Avengers compound saying good bye to Thor.

Steve: The rule have changed.

Tony: We're dealing with something new. 

Evander: Well, Vision is artificial intelligence.

Tony: A machine. So it doesn't count.

Steve: No it's not like a person lifting a hammer.

Tony: Different rule for us.

Evander: Very nice guy, artificial. But he isn't the only one that can lift Thor's hammer.

Thor: He can wield the hammer just like the young spider here. He can keep the mind stone, it is safe with the vision. And these days, safe is in short supply. 

We stay silent for a moment until Steve said something.

Steve: But if you put the hammer in an elevator...

Tony: It would still go up.

Evander: But is the elevator worthy though, like me?

Thor: *chuckles* I'm gonna miss these little talks of ours.

Evander: Not if you stay for a bit.

Thor: I have no choice. The mind stone is the fourth of the infinity stones to show up in the last few years. It's not a coincidence.

We all then walks outside.

Thor: Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawn of us. And once all these pieces in position...

Tony: Triple Yahtzee.

Steve: You think you could find out what's coming?

Thor: I do. *pats Tony on the chest* Besides this one, there's nothing that can't be explain.

Thor nodded his head and soon used the beifrost to leave Earth.

Tony: That man has no regard for lawn maintenance.

We then started walking to the drive way.

Tony: I'll miss him though. And you're gonna miss me. There's gonna be a lot of manful tears. 

Steve: I will miss you Tony. 

Tony: Yeah? Well it's time for me to tap out. Maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book. Build Pepper a farm, hope nobody blows up.

Evander: I'm bever visiting you if you do that.

Steve: The simple life.

Tony: *looks at Steve* You'll get there one day.

Steve: I don't know Family...stability...The guy that wanted all of that went in ice 75 years ago. I think someone else came out. 

Tony: *opens the car door* You all right?

Steve: I'm home. 

Tony: *looks at me* Don't get into any trouble you can't get yourself of kid.

Evander: Yeah yeah yeah old man.

Stark soon chuckles at what I said before getting into his car and drives off. I watch as Steve walks off to go see Natasha, I soon sighed and look around the building. 

Evander: Heh, I was just some teen bitten by a spider. Now I'm an Avenger...pops if you see me now I hope that you is proud of me.

I then went back inside as I saw Natasha and Steve walking to where the new recruits of the Avengers: James Rhodey 'War machine',  Sam Wilson 'Falcon', Miles Morales 'Ghost Spider', Alexander Axe 'Spider-Woman', Wanda Maximoff 'Scarlet Witch', Vision, Pietro Maximoff 'Quicksilver', Eve Holland 'Ice Queen', and Cassandra Harper 'Cosmic'. We all looked at the recruits.

Steve: Avengers.....

(That's wraps up Avengers: Age of Ultron. Next up is.......Shadow Spider: Venomous Corruption Part 1)

The Young Avengerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें