Chapter 73: Back To Normal

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Evander's Pov

(Nine Days later...)

It's been days since my fight with Venom and me killing Eddie as I recovered from that fight and killing one o my friends as I met everyone else and we all became good friends. As now I'm helping Cassandra moves hers and Aerith's stuff into my house as they wanted live with me and me and Cassandra are back together.

Evander: *put three boxes down in my room* That's the last of your stuff Cass.

Cassandra: Thanks baby.

Evander: Eh it's nothing, where's Aerith?

Cassandra: She playing with Scotty.

Evander: *chuckles* Oh course she is. She really love Scotty when she first met him.

I walks out of me and Cassandra's house and saw Aerith was playing with Scotty in the living room.

Aerith: D-doggy....doggy! *smiling*

Evander: I see you love Scotty huh?

Aerith: *nodded her head* I-i love him dad.

Evander: *kissed her head* I know that you do. So since tomorrow is Christmas, what did you ask Santa for this year?

Aerith: W-well I asked S-santa for my family to be back together. A-and my gift came true! *smiling*

Evander: Yeah he gifted you early and probably going to give you more gifts tomorrow.

Aerith: R-really?!

Evander: Yup.

Aerith started to cheer and hugs me as I hugged her back smiling as I get to see her happy even more. I let go of her.

Aerith: Dad I-i drew something!

I watched as Aerith runs towards her room and back to me as she show me her drawing me me wearing a spider suit with a white symbol.

Evander: Nice drawing and white symbol? I really like your idea of a suit for me, give me a few minutes. 

I walks out into a separate room where I can design some tech to help me and the others as I started making the suit that Aerith drew.

(Few Minutes Later...)

I walked out f the room and to where Aerith was as she was watching tv with Cassandra as she turn her head and saw me in my new suit.

I walked out f the room and to where Aerith was as she was watching tv with Cassandra as she turn her head and saw me in my new suit

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(The blue is black)

Evander: You like the new suit?

Aerith: *nodded her head* I-it look good!

Cassandra: Yeah you look good in it hon.

Evander: *smiles* Thanks Cass.

I took off my mask and saw on the couch with Cassandra and Aerith as we was watching tv with one another.

(Two hour Later)

it's been two hours as Aerith was sleeping on Cassandra's lap as she was resting her head on my shoulder as I was smiling but stopped as I was thinking about Eddie again.

Cassandra: *notices*Gutsy, what's wrong?

Evander: It's just I killed Eddie when he tried to bond back to the symbiote...I wanted him to be alive but in jail for what he did.

Cassandra: Baby it was his own fault for getting killed.

Evander: But I should of webbed him up before killing the symbiote.

Cassandra: I know but you wanted to kill that alien before it get to bond to someone else and causes more trouble. That's fine and Eddie was too attached to the alien and wanted to for something again and that caused him his death. Don't let it eat you up. Okay? *holds my cheeks* 

Evander: *smiles* Okay.

Cassandra smiled and kissed me as I kissed her bag until my phone beeped saying crime is happening as I look at Cassandra.

Cassandra: I'll take Aerith to bed, go be a hero again.

I nodded my head and gotten up grabbing my mask as I open the window ad jumps out and webs swing out of my house and landed on a roof as I heard a thud and saw Miles wearing a new suit.

I nodded my head and gotten up grabbing my mask as I open the window ad jumps out and webs swing out of my house and landed on a roof as I heard a thud and saw Miles wearing a new suit

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Evander: Woah that's a new suit Miles.

Miles: Yeah I was thinking I based a suit off of me instead of you. So how does it look?

Evander: I like it. So you ready Ghost Spider?

Miles: Always Shadow Spider.

Me and Miles fist bumps as we jumped off of the roof and started swinging together towards where the crime is at.

Me and Miles fist bumps as we jumped off of the roof and started swinging together towards where the crime is at

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(in their now new suits)

(That's wraps up Shadow Spider: venomous Corruption Part 2. Next is......Captain American: Civil War)

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