Chapter 5: Taking Down Loki/The God of Thunder

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3rd Pov


In Germany Loki was causing havoc as he was forcing a crowd of people to kneel as he was about to kill an civilian but Steve Rogers aka Captain America jumps in and blocks the attack as it hit Loki back.

Steve: You know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everyone else. We ended up disagreeing.

Loki: The solider. The man out of time.

Steve: I'm not the one out of time.

A quinjet flew in as it was piloted by Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow.

Natasha: Loki drop the weapon and stand down.

Loki fired an other blast from the spear at thw jet but it moved out of the way as Steve throws his shield and started fighting with Loki. Loki soon started to have the upper hand as Natash was watching the fight as she heard someone on her communications.

Tony: Agent Romanoff. You miss me?

Soon the jet started playing music as Tony flies in and blasted Loki away as he lands onto the ground. Loki soon gets up.

Tony: Alright Shadow your up.

Soon a portal appears under Loki as Evander kicks him in the chin and fired a web at Loki and throws him into the ground as Evander lands onto the ground.

Evander: Alright so called 'god' you kneel.

Loki gets up and fired a blast at Evander but he dodges as he web zip close to him and used a shadow punch on Loki sending him flying onto some steps. The heroes soon walks up to him.

Tony: Make your move, Reindeer Games.

Loki put his arms up in the air surrendering as Tony power down his weapons.

Tony: Good move.

Steve: Mr. Stark.

Tony: Captain. *looks at Evander* You did good.

Evander: This isn;t my first rodeo. *looks at Steve* Pleasure to meet you Captain.

Steve: Likewise.

Steve soon cuffs Loki and the heroes walks into the jet as Natasha looks at Evander.

Natasha: So you must be Shadow Spider.

Evander: Yup. And you is Black Widow.

Natasha nodded her head as the jet started to take off as they was flying in the air towards S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarters Natasha was talking to Fury.

Nick: Has he saying anything?

Natasha: Not a word.

Nick: Just get him here. We're low on time.

Steve: I don't like it.

Tony: What, Rock of Ages giving up so easily?

Steve: I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop.

Tony: Still, you are pretty spry for n older fellow.  *looks at Steve* What's your thing Pilates? 

Steve: What?

Evander: It's an calisthenics.

Tony: Bingo, you might have missed a couple of things doing time as a Capsicle.

Evander: *chuckles slightly*

Steve: *looks at Tony* Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in.

Evander: There's a lot of things Fury is hiding I just know it.

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