Chapter 35: Fury Lives

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Evander's Pov

After getting out of the van and into an other van we soon made to a place where we all get out as Steve helps Natasha. We then walks into what seems to be a dam and down the hall where someone was making their way to us.

Maria: GSW. She's lost at least a pint. 

Evander: Two actually.

Doctor: Let me take her.

Maria: She'll want to see him first.

I was confused about what Hill just said as she lead us to a room and revealed to us that Fury was still alive.

Nick: About damn time.

Evander: What in the fucking hell?

(Some Time Later)

Fury started to explain to us everything.

Nick: Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of a headache.

Doctor: Don't forget your collapsed lung. 

Nick: Let's not forget that. Otherwise I'm good.

Natasha: They cut you open. Your heart stopped. 

Evander: It was Tetrodotoxin B. Bruce told me about this as it somewhat slow the pulse to one beat a minute. It's use for stress not faking deaths Nickie.

Steve: Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us? 

Maria: Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful. 

Nick: can't kill you if you're already dead. Besides, I wasn't sure who to trust. 

3rd Pov

Back in Washington, in a bank that looks normal to the eye of people was actually a HYDRA base as it was holding Bucky and the spider as he was getting his metal arm look at after fighting Steve. He soon started to had flashbacks back in world war 2 and how HYDRA found him and he snapped back to reality and hit one of the scientist causing the guards to point their weapons at them and the spider webbed him up with her webs. After some time Pierce walks up as one of the scientist looks at him.

HYDRA scientist: Sir. H-he's unstable.

Pierce: Erractic. 

The door soon opens as Pierce with Rumlow walks in and looks at Bucky and the Spider and asked the guards to lower their weapons at Bucky. 

Pierce: Mission report. 

The duo didn't say anything.

Pierce: Mission report now. 

They still didn't say anything as Pierce walks up to Bucky and slaps him before staring at him and the Spider.

Bucky: The man on the bridge. Who was he? 

Pierce: You met him earlier this week on another assignment. 

Bucky: I know him.....

Pierce: Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped this century. And I need you to do it one more time. Society's at a tipping point between order and chaos. And tomorrow morning we're gonna give it a push. But if you don't your part, I can't do mine. Same goes for you Spider. HYDRA can't give the world freedom it deserves. 

Bucky: But I knew him. 

Pierce: *sighs and gets up* Prep him. 

HYDRA Scientist: He's been out of cryo freeze too long.

Pierce: Then wipe him and start over. 

As Bucky was getting his memory wipped Pierce walks up to the Spider.

Pierce: Report.

Spider: Fought the Shadow Spider and lost. Happy?

Pierce: I need you to do better and kill him.

Spider: Tch, whatever.

The spider soon made an portal and walks into it.

Evander's Pov

Fury was still telling us some stuff about Pierce as he told us that the council wasn't answering his calls and he opens a case to which show us three chips.

Sam: What's that? 

Maria: Once the helicarriers reach 3,000 feet, they'll triangulate with insight satellites, becoming fully weaponized. 

Nick: We need to breach those carrier and replace their targeting blades with our own. 

Maria: One or two won't cut it. We need to link all three carriers for this to work, because if even one of those ships remains operational, a whole lot of people are gonna die. 

Nick: We have to assume everyone aboard those carriers is HYDRA. We have to get past them insert these server blades. And maybe just maybe we can salvage what's left-

Steve: We're not salvaging anything.

Evander: When we take those carriers down, we're taking S.H.I.E.L.D. down too.

Nick: S.H.I.E.L.D. had nothing to do with this, kid. 

Steve: You gave me this mission. This is how it ends. .S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been compromised. You said it yourself. 

Evander: HYDRA grew right under you little noses and not one damn person knew about it. 

Nick: Why do you two think we're meeting in this cave? I noticed.

Evander: tch, took your old ass long enough to notice. And also how many people paid the price?

Nick: I didn't know about Barnes. Nor the clone of yours kid.

Steve: Even if you had, would you have told us? Or would you have compartmentalized that too? 

Evander: S.H.I.E.L.D., HYDRA, it all goes Nick. 

Maria: He's right. 

Fury looks at everyone to see that they was agreeing with me and Steve as he looks at Sam. 

Sam: Don't look at me. I do what the cap does, just slower. 

Nick: *sighs* It looks like you two are giving the orders now. 

(One hour later)

I was sitting on a railing looking at everything as I let out a sigh. I heard footsteps as I saw Steve and Sam.

Sam: You know your clone will be there right?

Evander: Yup I know. I'm hoping I can get her to the good side.

Steve: How so?

Evander: I took notice that she hated working for HYDRA even though they made her she hates being told what to do by higher up people.

Steve: *smiles* Just like you a little.

Evander: Yeah. She really is just like me but somewhat different.

Steve: Alright let's go gear up.

Evander: You is going to wear that? 

Steve: No. If you're gonna fight a war, you got to wear a uniform.

I watched as Steve soon leaves as me and Sam started to get ready to take down HYDRA once and for all.

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