Chapter 34: Facing The Spider and Winter Soldier

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Evander's Pov

Now we're making our way to the Triskelion, as we was on the highway.

Sitwell: HYDRA doesn't like leaks.

Sam: Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?

Natasha: Insight's launching in sixteen hours. We're cutting it a little bit close here.

Steve: I know.

Evander: We'll use Sitwell to bypass those DNA scans and access the helicarrier directly

Sitwell: What? Are you crazy?! That's a terrible, terrible idea.

My spider sense went off as we heard a thud on top of the car and an metal arm burst through the window grabbing Sitwell and throwing him to a truck on the other side killing him. We realized it was the Winter Solider as he started firing into the car as me and Natasha avoid the shot as she managed to pulled the hand brake causing the car to stop and launching the winter solider onto the ground. I hoped out of the car and stared at him.

Evander: Okay it's just him. Where is the Spider?

Soon my spider sense went off again as I was tackled into the ground and saw Spider.

Evander: Well hello there....

Spider: Be quiet.

Evander: No.

I kicked them off of me as I fired a web at them and thrown them into a car. I soon saw a huge car hit into the car holding the others as I started chasing after it but was punched into the ground by by the Spider.

Evander: Do you ever leave me alone?!

Spider: No.

Me and the spider started fighting it out as I watched the others was dealing with some guns man. I spin kicked the Spider and web throw them off the highway. 

Evander: Ha! Take that asshat!!!

I turned to my left to see Steve pushed Natasha out of the way and get hit by a grenade launcher that the winter solider was holding as he turn to me and fired it which made an expolsion launching me into a bus as I saw Steve in there.

Steve: Shadow Spider, you okay?

Evander: *groaning* Good thing I make my suits very durable.

We then hears guns fire and an mini gun as we soon rushed out of the bus without getting hit. Steve picked up his shield and started blocking the bullets as I was dodging them, but I was swing kicked away and got pulled into a some what shadow whip.

Evander: The hell?!

The Spider soon throws me into a building and pulled me out slammed me into the ground.

Evander: Gonna feel that later.....

Spider: kill you.

They soon rushed at me and started punching me in the face as I tried to dodge the punches a few hit me and they punched me in the chest and grabbed me by my neck then started to crush my throat.

Spider: This is it. I'm going to be so happy that I don't have to listen to those idiots voice again.

I looked at her as I started to black out but for some reason my body started to glow up as I let it out into a shockwave shaking the area. I fall onto my knees coughing.

Evander: Shockwaves...*coughs* Great gonna deal with that later.

I look up to see the Spider was unconcious as I walked over to them and moved their masked to reveal I was fighting a girl around my age the whole time.

Evander: They cloned me and made it into a female. Wonderful.....

I dropped the mask onto her face and rush to where Steve was and I saw him fighting the winter solider as I jumped in and dropped kicked him in the grace and webbed him in the face before jumping in the air and web throwing him into the ground as I look at my webs to see his mask was stuck to it. Me and Steve watch the winter soldiers get up and Steve was shock to see his face.

Steve: Bucky?

Winter Solider: Who the hell is Bucky?

Before he could shot up Sa, flew in and kicked him and het gets up and runs away. Soon S.H.I.E.L.D./HYDRA and S.T.R.I.K.E. Teams drove up as a chopper was above us.

Rumlow: Drop the shield, Cap! Both of you get on your knees!

I watched as Steve dropped his shield and Rumlow kicked both of us onto out knees as he put cuffs on Steve and other agent put shackles on me, as the four of us was then thrown into a van and it takes off.

(Twenty One Minutes Later)

Steve, Natasha, Sam, and I was in a van being taken to a unknown place I look at Steve who was looking down.

Steve: It was him. He looked right at me like he didn't even know me.

Sam: How's that even possible? It was like seventy years ago.

Evander: It's HYDRA they must have kept him frozen and alter his memory and plus they can even clone people.

Sam: What? So that other spider person...

Evander: Was an clone of me.

Steve: it was Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in forty three. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and....

Natasha: None of that's your fault Steve.

Steve: Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky. 

Sam soon looks at Natasha's wounds and at one of the guards.

Sam: We need to get a doctor here. If we don't put pressure on that wound, she's gonna bleed out here in the truck. 

I watched as the guard activated their shock stick and shocks the other guard then kicks them in the face. The guard removed their helmets to reveal it was Hill. 

Maria: Ah, That thing was squeezing my brain. *looks at Sam* Who is this guy?

I then broke through the shackles and rubs my wrist.

Evander: Okay....*pop out a stinger* I have an idea....

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