All she does know is that after this weekend they will spend a few more days here as they have tire tests and then Daniel will come back to the UK for a few more days until he is off to his family in Perth and she won't see him until he comes back somewhere at the end of January or early februari when they are going to reveal the new car.

She is dreading that time apart, but she did decide she will go look for a house of her own again. Daniel doesn't seem to mind that they are staying at her parents when he comes over, but she feels they need a place of their own to have some more privacy and to be able to enjoy breakfast without the suggestive looks of her dad who is still waiting for them to make their relationship official.

Her parents offered to stay with Cole and Zara so Stevie and Tina can both go to the track. Tina enjoys the wag life a lot, but she definitely had her struggles when the online trolls tried to destroy her completely.

They have been trash talking about her working as a nanny for somebody who works at the competition and they judge her for going after Charles. The people online have said that she is just a poor girl wanting Charles for his money. They claim she is wrong for him and that he deserves better. They even say that Tina was the one hitting on Charles even though it was the other way around.

It made her doubt if she was strong enough after all, but with Charles support she gained more confidence and now both of them just ignore what's been said and Tina barely uses social media anymore.

Melissa and Seb are the perfect couple, it's almost nauseating. In Austin they made their first public appearance and again people lost their minds over them. Of course they had their opinion ready, but Melissa doesn't give a shit about that. She actually enjoys reading the social media posts about herself, even the nasty ones.

When Stevie asks her how she can be so cool about it, she just says that she is the one who gets to shag Seb. And she is the one who hears Seb tell her he loves her every single day, multiple times a day.
Why would she care about other people's opinions when they don't matter?

"Tina with my parents here how about you take this weekend off. Just be with Charles when he isn't driving, hang out with your friends, do whatever you want." Stevie says when they arrive at the paddock.
"Are you sure? I mean I already have about 3 months off after this weekend, so I don't mind helping you out."

"I'm sure. My parents would love to be with Zara and Cole this weekend and they can take them to the paddock with them. You know you can come to see them whenever you want during the winter break right?"
She will miss her Slovenian friend so much those months, but Tina deserves to have a break as well. She will probably go home to see her family and spend quite some time with Charles and his family.

"I will definitely come over to see you and the kids, there's no way I can stay away from them for so long. I'm glad I've got a lot plans for the break so time will go by really fast." Her friend says before they part ways so Tina can go to Ferrari to find Charles and Stevie goes to the kitchen to prepare for today and the rest of the weekend.

Not long after she got there Melissa joins her.
Stevie smiles when she sees her now best friend appear with swollen lips from kissing.
"You look like you had a good time."
"It would have been even better if Seb didn't have to go to the media pen. But we will make up for it tonight."

Stevie shakes her head, Melissa and Seb are insatiable, but she is happy for them. Maybe if she would finally get over her insecurities she would be the same with Daniel.
"So did you and Daniel do it yet? I mean you're together like 24/7, so it has happened by now right?" Melissa asks her.

With a sad face she shakes her head.
"No we haven't. I know he wants to and I do too, but every time I even consider taking my clothes off for him I just feel sick with fear and I freeze."

Shape of you (Daniel Ricciardo)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें