Steven squeezed her hand and ushered her into the car, "It'll be okay, I'll be here with you the whole time and I'll hold your hand if you need me to!"

Michelle carefully climbed into the passenger seat, "Well that's more than Axl'd do, last time I did that he said to warn him to take off his rings first because I almost broke his fingers. I don't think he'd ever let me do that again."

Steven shook his head, starting the car, "That's not true! Axl's the best!"

Michelle eyed the fluffy blonde, "Isn't he an ass to you?"

Steven shook his head again, his hair bouncing, "No he would never! He loves me!"

"He loves you? Did he say this?"

"Of course! One time when I was drugged, I overdosed! I had to take an ambulampse!"


"Right, like I said, an ambulampse! Anyway, Axl went with me and he held my hand the whole time and he might've been crying, I'm not sure, I felt really sleepy. When I woke up I was really tired. He was there in hospital when I woke up and he said he was so scared I would die and told me he loved me!"

Michelle blinked, "Did he really?"

Steven nodded, "Mhm! I think his exact words were, 'I love you fucker.'" Michelle laughed, and Steven added, "As a friend of course."

"Of course."

"I love him too though. Even when he doesn't seem to know how much he loves me. I love all the guys. And you."

Michelle smiled, "You love everything."

Steven nodded, "I do! I love everything until I'm given a reason why I shouldn't!"

"Like the court system, innocent until proven guilty?"


"Is there anything you've found you have a reason to not love?"

"Well sure! Hmmm.... Like uh.... Tomatoes. I don't love tomatoes at all."

"And your reason?"

"Because they taste icky and they're too squishy."

"But I thought you like squishy things?"

"I do! But not food, I don't want tomato juice in my eye, food goes in your mouth, not anywhere else on your face or body, that much I do remember from school."

"Where were you putting your carrot sticks before school!?"

"Not me! Stupid Billy Humphrey tried to put one in my ear... Oh! I don't love Billy Humphrey."

"Okay, but what if Billy showed up at the door one day and apologized for trying to put a carrot in your ear?"

"Then I'd say I forgive you Billy and hug him!"

"Of course you would, Stevie..."

Steven paced around nervously outside the door. She'd holler if she needed me, right? Is everything okay in there? Will the baby be okay? This is just a normal thing, right? Am I sweating? I think I'm sweating. How long's she been in there? Goodness gracious its been forever, if it were normal it wouldn't take this long, right? I feel like I've been out here forever I miss her already! Does she miss me? MAYBE SHE DIED! OH NO MICHELLE'S DEAD AND I NEVER GOT TO SAY GOODBYE!

The door opened and Michelle came out from inside. "Is everything okay!? I was getting so scared! I didn't know what'd happened to you! What if something happened! What if you'd died!? Then I'd have to live forever knowing that It was all my fault if I'd just driven a little faster or or or-"

"Relax Stevie, everything's fine, they're just braxton hicks contractions."

"What's that!? Is it some kind of cancer!? Oh I knew this day would come! You're too young to die, Michelle! You had such a great life ahead of you and you would've made such a good mother and- oh shit Axl's gonna kill me when he finds out I'm the one who brought you here and gave you cancer- Oh Michelle I don't want you to die!"

Michelle put her hands on his shoulders, "Stevie, Popcorn, I'm not dying, the baby's not dying, you're not dying, nobody's dying. I'm fine, it's totally normal."

"It is?" Steven sniffled.

Michelle nodded, "Yes, everything's going to be okay, thanks to you," she smiled, patting his cheek. "The doctor said it's totally normal to be scared of them, and that you made the right decision bringing me here."

"I did??" Michelle nodded with a smile. "But I never make good decisions!"

"Oh sweetie sure you do! You just made a whole bunch tonight!"

Steven looked down with a smile, "Aw shucks, it was nothin.."

"No, it was something, you helped me when I needed it. Thank you Steven."

"You know I'm always happy to help you, Michelle."

"I know, I know. And I love you for that Stevie."

"I love you too Michelle! But let's go home now. My taco jammies aren't very warm."

Michelle got out of the car with him, and Steven noticed she'd stopped and was looking at him. "Stevie."

"What? Is there something in my hair?" he brushed his fingers through his fluffy blonde hair self-consciously.

Michelle smiled, "No, you're okay."

"Then what is it?"

"Michelle bit her tongue, giving him a sweet look. "Don't ever change." Steven smiled from ear to ear. "If people tell you to grow up, don't listen. I think you're perfect as you are."

Steven hugged her overly affectionately. "I love you Michelle!"

Michelle grinned, "I know."

She went with him inside. "Also, I need you to stay the way you are, because I don't know any other friends with kids so you might be the closest my son's gonna get to playing with other children."

Steven perked up, "I love kids! I'd be happy to play with your son!" Michelle bit her lip, trying her hardest not to laugh. If that sentence did not just come out of Steven Adler's mouth it would've been the creepiest most pedophile sentence she'd ever heard in her life.

Michelle kissed his cheek goodnight, heading back to her (Axl's) room. "Goodnight Steven."

"Night Michelle, sleep tight!"

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