t w e n t y - f o u r

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"Hello ARMY!"

"ARMY!" Hyejoo yelled happily in the mic. She waved at the crowd of fans. Namjoon stood next to her, and without her knowledge, began giving her bunny ears.

It was fan sign day. Hyejoo always felt nervous on fan sign days since she wasn't sure how fans would treat her. The possibility of there being antis in the audience was high.

After talking with the crowd for some time, the staff guided them to their positions in their seats. Hyejoo was in the very middle, seated next to Hoseok and Yoongi. Once she sat down, they immediately began to annoy her.

"Hey, Hyejoo," Hoseok whispered. When she turned to look at him, he flicked her in the nose. Yoongi laughed at this while Hyejoo flicked him back.

"We are now going to start the meet and greet. Please remember the rules we stated at the beginning of this session," A staff spoke into the microphone.

Like robots, the fans stood up from their seats and began getting directed onto the stage. The first girl looked to be sixteen or so. She had long black hair with bangs and was dressed head to toe in pink. On her head sat a shooky headband. It was clear that her bias was Jungkook.

Hyejoo kept herself company by messing with Yoongis hand, then pulling Hoseoks sleeve. By the time the first fan got up to her, they happily greeted each together. The young fan then immediately shoved her Map of the Soul: Persona album into Hyejoos hands.

"Hyejoo! You give me hope to debut in a group one day!" The fan said, smiling wide enough to cover her entire face. Then, her smile dropped. "Can you please sign this?" She urged a pen into Hyejoos hand.

Hyejoo sighed. This already isn't going good, she thought.

The next fan, however, was much more excited. For the entire thirty seconds they had together, the fan rambled on about how much she loved her, and how she had 2 cardboard cutouts of the idol at home.

Hyejoo just smiled as she listened.

One fan in particular, though, caught her attention. As she waited for the next female fan to move from Hoseok to her, she looked out into the long line of people. She took the microphone from in front of her and happily began talking to the fans in the crowd.

"You guys dressed up today," She said, looking around at the fans.

In the far back, there was one fan who dressed entirely as her BT21 character MIMI. She was wearing a burnt orange onesie with cat ears, and even had a self-made tail attached to the back. She stuck uneven whiskers on her face and completed the look with face paint.

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