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I sat on the couch, deep into my murder show on the TV. This always seemed to happen to me- I'd tell myself I'd only watch a few minutes of one episode, then I'd have to sit down and watch the entire thing.

The time was about six thirty, and the sun was just barely setting. The clouds got lighter, and the reds, oranges, and purples in the sky got darker. The other members were off doing their own thing, leaving me to be the only one in the living room.

"Hyejoo! I'm going for a ride. Want to come?" Said a voice behind me. I turned around, surprised to see Namjoon.

"A bike ride? Well, I don't know, the sun is about to set."

"But it hasn't set yet. We can still ride around for a few minutes," He suggested. I gave in and stood up, joining him as he left the house.

Outside, the warm yet cool air immediately hit my skin. It felt amazing. I really couldn't picture any better time to ride bikes than this.

I followed him down the street, heading straight for the rent-a-bike station. They only costed about a fifty cents, which was much better than having to pay for a real one.

"If we stay in this area, Dispatch won't catch us," Joon said, shoving fifty cents into both of the bikes. We both hopped on a seperate one before starting off down the road.

The wind blew slightly in my face, causing my hair to blow. Joon managed to keep a fair pace while I was busy booking it down the street.

"Hey, wait up!"

I slowed down, finally coming side by side to him. "Let's race another day when the sun isn't about to set, okay?" He gave me a nod.

Times like this reminded me of our pre debut days. I remember me and Joon (and even Jungkook) riding bikes down an empty street late at night, trying to calm our nerves. The next day we were supposed to find out if we were going to debut or not.

Oh, we were so scared. Taehyung couldn't stop puking in the dorm bathroom, meaning the rest of us had to visit the gas station nearby every time we had to use the bathroom. Jin never cooked dinner that night, and continued to apologize profusely for weeks after that.

I remember it being one of the quietest days in the dorm. We didn't talk as much as we did now, but there was always certain occasions were a big conversation would strike up between us.

"This reminds me of our debut days, doesn't it?" Joon said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I was just thinking that!" I replied, finally snapping back to reality. It seemed like both of our minds were on the same thinking level.

We biked down past a small lake, pointing out how brown and murky it looked. It wasn't really one of those romantic, sky blue type lakes you'd see in the movies.

Once the sun finally had gone down, we headed back to the bike station to return the bikes. Though we only used them for twenty minutes, the fifty cents was definitely worth it.

"This was fun, Joon!" I said, happily locking my bike back up. He agreed.

We walked back to the house in silence, still trying to take in the out side air in peace.



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