f i v e

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"Agh, I really don't want to do this..." I pouted, relaxing back into my seat on the airplane. That would be our last V-Live ever before our world tour began, and aside from continuously sulking over this punishment, I was also scared as hell for this tour.

Jimin and Hobi remained neutral, not really caring that they had to wear their suits. This would be their second time wearing their designated suit, but this would be my first.

I had to admit, it wasn't the worst punishment. I've lost the most challenges throughout the series, and I've done some pretty messed up stuff, so this punishment couldn't really compare.

Alas, the plane landed, allowing for us to get off. Jungkook, who had been nagging me the entire plane ride about the punishment, was now asleep, so I had to shake him awake.

"Jungkook... Jungkook, wake up!" I said, shaking his shoulder rapidly. He blinked one eye open, noticing everyone leaving the plane. That's when he finally woke up, but not without stretching first.

I was quickly edged between two body guards who guided me off the plane. Unlike the winners, the losers were taken aside to put their costumes on.

"Just think, we could be sky diving right now as a punishment," Jimin said.

"Good point," I responded. Hoseok seemed oddly exciting to wear his Mang costume, which put a smile on my face.


few of the staff helped me put on my costume while bodyguards stood a few feet a way, making sure that no one would try to attack us. Once our costumes were finally on, we couldn't help but laugh at each other.

Jimins embarrassed smile and Hobis adorable laugh brought a smile to my own face. A purple horse, a yellow dog, and a pink flamingo- It was quite the mix.

We joined the rest of the group, getting nothing but laughter the second they saw us. Both them and the staff pressured us inside.

I was hot and sweaty already, but pushed through anyways. The second our fans saw us, their screams began to echo through the airport.

I was crammed in between about five body guards who were doing their best to push fans away. As much as I loved them, some of them just didn't know how to keep there distance.




I laughed as I heard the fans call out some of our names. I tried my best to grab some of the presents that fans were shoving in my face, but the flimsy flamingo arms made it hard.

Once we made it out of the airport and into our van, I immediately took off my flamingo head, finally catching my breath. The fear of being tackled to the ground and the hot temperatures made me hot as hell.

"You should've seen ARMYs faces when they saw you three. You guys looked hilarious out there," Jungkook laughed, hitting Mangs head which caused it to go flying.

With the help of Taehyung and Namjoon, I removed the body of the costume, setting it down in one of the empty seats.



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Guys, this is Hyejoos BT21 character. Her name is Mimi.

(I'm an writer not an artist so laugh at my drawing skills all u want...)


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