f o u r t e e n

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"Oh. My. God."

The group of eight stayed closely packed together as they stepped into their hotel room, which was meant for the next three days.




I mean, it couldn't have been any bigger than their first dorm from back when they debuted. The company warned them that the building would be small, but not this small.

Aside from that, there was also only two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The bathroom situation wasn't that bad, but the bedrooms were. Usually they only had to stay two or three to a room, never four.

"Where did all of our companies money go? Didn't we just wrap up Idol promotions last week?" Taehyung gawked, walking further into the room.

Hyejoo wandered off down the small hallway, checking out the rooms. Thankfully, there was two beds in each. As long as she wasn't sleeping four to a bed, she'd be fine.

"Are we going bankrupt or something? Surely we sold quite a lot of albums," Namjoon huffed.

None of them were mad, per say, just confused. To be fair, they had a good reason to be.

"I don't know about you guys," Seokjin spoke, running his fingers through his hair tiredly, "but I need some rest. To make things easier, let's just do maknaes with maknaes and hyungs with hyungs."

Approving stares were passed around the room. The decision was settled in less than a few seconds, all due to Seokjin.

Hyejoo hoisted her bags onto her shoulders and walked into the bedroom on the left. She sat them down near the doorway, watching as the other maknae members filed in after her.

"Looks like it's just us four," Jungkook smiled.

Taehyung chuckled happily. "This will be quite a night... Who's staying up?"

All four raised their hands, laughing at the sight. While the hyung line would be sleeping in the room across from them, they'd be taking shots from mouthwash cups provided by the hotel.

"We need to do a V-Live," Hyejoo mentioned, plopping down on the bed closest to the window. She whipped out her phone and got on the app, waiting to hear from the other members.

"Give me a second. I have to reapply the concealer under my eyes," Jimin said, rushing to his bag to grab his concealer stick.

All the members had pretty bad eye bags due to many sleepless nights. Nowadays, since promotions were over, they thankfully had more time to rest.

Once he finished, him and the rest of the members piled behind Hyejoo, waiting for the livestream on her phone to begin.

Once it began, over ten thousand people joined in less than two seconds.

"Wah, look at them all joining!" Hyejoo laughed. While she was busy being amazed at the fans joining, the three boys were in the back making weird faces behind her.

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