Brave 2

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"Here you go," I say to the customer as I hand her a small gray shopping bag, containing her purchase. "Thanks for shopping at Fashion's Passion."

"Thank you." she takes the bag from my hand and walks out of the store.

"I still can't believe Mr. Brooks has a girlfriend," Ally says, still in awe of the news I gave her ten minutes before the customer walked in. "Way to go Mr. Brooks. How long has it been since your mom left?.. Sixteen years right? He sure took his time." She continues and adds three dresses to the rack in the left corner at the back of the store.

"He sure did," I say, taking a deep breath and sitting on the chair behind the cash register.

Ally walks behind the counter and sits next to me. "Are you okay?" she asks.

"I am...I just never thought it would happen. He never showed any signs of wanting to move on, but... I'm happy for him. I haven't seen him this happy in a long time. You should have seen the way he looked at Amanda."

Ally smiles, "Sounds like he's in love."

"He is," I say with a feign smile.

Ally shifts her focus towards the door. "Marks here," she says softly. "Probably because someone's been avoiding his texts." she continues under her breath.

I follow her gaze and see Mark walking towards the entrance of the store with two cups of coffee in hand. He's wearing a blue button-down shirt and gray long pants. There's a gold badge on his left shirt pocket that says; 'Assistant Manager'.

"Does the badge say, Assistant Manager?" Ally says squinting her eyes as she looks at the badge pinned on Mark's left pocket. "Didn't he say his father was about to make him General Manager?"

"I think we both know that Mark likes to exaggerate," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Good morning ladies," Mark says, opening the door.

"Good morning," Ally and I say consecutively and stand.

"Have you ladies had your coffee break yet?" he asks, walking over to the counter and setting the cups down. I notice that one of the cups has my name written on it.

"We don't exactly take coffee breaks," Ally explains. "We usually have our coffee before work but thanks anyway." She picks up the cup with no name written on it.

Mark looks at me and smiles. "I remember you always bought yours with cream and sugar from the coffee shop back on campus so that's what I got for you." He hands me the cup of coffee.

"Thank you," I say, taking the cup from his hand.

"Can I talk to you outside for a sec?" he asks, looking at Ally and then back at me.

I look at Ally who looks at me awkwardly knowing that I am about to turn Mark down on his offer for what seems like the hundredth time.

"Sure," I say, placing the cup down and walking from behind the cash register.

Mark and I walk out of the shop and sit on the bench in front of the shop.

"You look nice," he begins.

"Oh," I say, looking down at my peach t-shirt and blue skinny jeans and thinking of how Mark always feels the need to compliment me. He must think that doing so will eventually win me over. "Thank you." I give him a small smile.

"So, you haven't returned any of my calls or texts," he says, looking at me.

I look at him. "I know..."

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