Unanticipated 1

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An entire week has gone by and I haven't seen or heard from Nicholas. The ache in my heart from longing for his presence has become so intense that I can no longer ignore it. I keep trying to shut it out but the universe won't let me. I've been having the dream of Jonathan's and Margaret's first encounter every night since the first, and I've typed and deleted more messages than I can count because I couldn't find the courage to send them to him. Every day I stand here looking at the sunset I keep hoping that he'll show up at some point as he did before, but he doesn't and I'm filled with disappointment every time I turn away from the ocean to walk home.

When I told him that he should stop coming here to find me I didn't think I'd feel the way that I do now. I thought it would be easy, that I'd be able to forget about him and move on, but I was completely wrong.

I enter the back door and step into the kitchen finding my father and Laura standing behind the island preparing dinner.

"What's going on?" I ask, completely surprised at their actions.

"Cassie, you're back," my father says. "Great, now you can help us get dinner ready. We're dining at home tonight."

I look down at the different bowls of food lined up on the island. "Since when are we having dinner at home on a Sunday night?"

"Since now," he replies, picking up a bottle of white wine from the island. He walks into the dining room and sets it on the table.

"Don't we only drink red wine?" I ask as he walks back into the kitchen.

"It's always good to try something different," he smiles.

"I guess..." I say, shifting my gaze back to the island. "Looks like you all cooked a bit too much food."

"It's just about enough," he looks down at the island and wipes his hand on the blue apron that he's wearing. "I better go freshen up," he removes the apron and sets it on the island. "Why don't you help your sister set the table?"

"Okay," I say slowly, looking at him as he walks out of the kitchen. I walk over to the island and sit on one of the stools lining it. "Isn't it your turn to choose the restaurant?" I ask, looking at Laura as she pulls out a stack of three plates from the cupboard and sets them on the island.

"Yes, but Dad insisted that we stay in," she shrugs her shoulders.

"Did he say why?"

"No...maybe he's got some big news or something...Why else would he insist we have dinner at home on a Sunday night?" she says, excitedly then opens one of the island drawers and pulls out some forks and spoons.

"Hmmm," I bite the inside of my bottom lip. "I think it's more than that...I mean if he had big news we'd be out celebrating at some fancy restaurant or something, not having dinner at home."

"Why don't you go upstairs and change for dinner," she suggests. "I'll set the table."

"Sure you don't want my help?"

"I've got it," she says, giving me a small smile.

"Okay," I say, getting up from the stool.

"Dad wants us to look nice so please do something with that hair of yours and wear some jewelry... Earrings or something,"

I roll my eyes. "It's just dinner with you and Dad...at home!" I remind her.

"I know, but it's nice to dress up for dinner. Even when it's at home."

Laura's wearing red lipstick, a white dress with gold heels and gold jewelry. Her hair has been pressed with every strand perfectly in place. She looks gorgeous.

"Okay, Miss passion for fashion." I tease, stepping out of the kitchen.

I climb up the stairs and enter my bedroom finding a navy blue dress lying on the bed. It's identical to the one Laura's wearing except hers is white. I remove my sweater and shorts step into the dress quickly and pull up the zipper on the side. The dress fits tight at the top and loose from the waist down. I walk into the closet to pick out my jewelry and shoes. I decide to wear one of my silver sets with a heart-shaped necklace and small stud earrings that match the pendant. It was a Valentine's Day gift from my father. Laura has one identical to it. I put the jewelry on, then put on my silver pointed-toe heels which pin around the ankles. I walk out of the closet, sit at the dressing table, brush my hair into a bun, and then return downstairs to the dining room.

I find Laura and Dad already sitting at the table. Dad looks more neat than usual, he seems to have put a lot more effort into his appearance tonight. He's wearing a navy blue button-down shirt with long sleeves and black pants. I sit on the chair on the opposite side of the table from Laura while our father sits at the top end of the table, looking at his watch nervously.

"Shall I say grace?" Laura asks, bringing her hands to her lips and clasping them.

We always say grace when we're having dinner together at home. When mom lived here with us no one could begin eating if grace wasn't said. I'm always reminded of her when we have dinner at home because the chair she used to sit in is always empty. I glance over at the chair briefly.

"Not yet," my father says nervously, tapping his right foot continuously on the floor.

Laura brings her hands down and sets them on her lap. I shoot her a questioning look and she shrugs her shoulders. I look at my father who is now checking the time on his watch.

"What are we waiting for?" I ask, looking at my father. Just then the doorbell rings and he smiles.

"I'll get it," Laura says, pushing her chair back to stand up.

"That's okay," my father says, resting his left hand on her right. "I'll get it," he stands and walks out of the dining room.

"What's with him?" I whisper to Laura.

"I think we're about to find out," she responds excitedly.

I hear footsteps behind me and see the expression on Laura's face change from excited to extremely surprised as she focuses on whoever is behind me. I turn around slowly to see what has caught her to become so surprised.

"Girls, I'd like you both to meet someone," Dad says nervously.

From Sunrise To Sunsetजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें