Australia 2

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Byron Bay is beautiful just as I imagined it would be. During the past few days on our search to find Margaret's home, I got the opportunity to look at its hinterland which is breathtaking. Being here is like watching a constant sunset; it's freeing. But with no memory or recollection of this place once being my home, it's like a stranger to me. Nicholas and I have been here for three days now and we've been to almost all the local farms but not one seems familiar or has a history that includes Margaret and Jonathan. I've looked for everything that I remember from my dream on each farm that we visited; the placement of the house and barn, the field of lavender that's about fifty meters away from it, or even the Madonna lilies that were planted in front of the house's balcony, but nothing of the sort has shown up.

I look over at Nicholas in the driver's seat. We've been driving for the past twenty minutes in silence, both lost in our thoughts. He glances at me and reaches for my left hand and kisses it. It seems like the two of us have exchanged feelings about the whole situation. A few days ago he was sure that trying to find Margaret's home was just another dead end but since we started looking he's been nothing but optimistic and does not seem to be discouraged no matter how many times we are faced with disappointments. He's been trying to keep my hopes up as best as he possibly can. However, the more disappointment I am faced with, the less optimistic I become.

"We're here," he says, pulling the car up to the side of the road and getting out of it.

"Let's hope it's this one," I say apathetically as I open the door and let myself out.

I stand next to the car and look towards the property. It's a small farm much like the one Margaret grew up on, but just like the others, it doesn't feel familiar. The barn is on the wrong side of the dwelling house which isn't centered in the position where Margaret's house was, nor does it possess the same background as the one I saw in my dream. This one has its back towards the lighthouse. Margaret's home had a clear view of the lighthouse from the balcony at the front.

"That's not it," I say with disappointment.

"Are you certain," Nicholas asks, looking at me then back at the house.

"Yes," I say, pointing towards the farm. "It isn't facing the lighthouse," I explain.

"Maybe you were looking at the lighthouse from the backdoor."

I walk to the other side of the car and stand next to him. "It's not the one Nicholas."

He looks at me and rests his left hand on my shoulder. "I know you've lost hope after we've been to so many farms only to be faced with disappointment, but we'll always keep wondering if this one was Margaret's home if we don't find out for certain."

"I guess you're right," I say, agreeing with him. "I'll wait here while you go find out."

He taps my shoulder then walks towards the house and knocks on the door. A middle-aged woman opens the door and they exchange greetings then he shows her the picture of Margaret that we found online. She looks at the picture and shakes her head apologetically. He thanks her for her time then she closes the door. Nicholas walks back to the car with an apologetic look on his face.

"Let's head back to the hotel," he says.

I nod my head and then let out a sigh as we enter the car and head back to the hotel.

"This was the last one," I say with disappointment as I stare out the window. "Maybe there's nothing left here. A hundred years was a long time ago. A time long enough for all proof of Margaret and Jonathan's existence here to disappear."

"I'm sure we'll find something before we leave," he assures me.

"We leave here in four days. It's not enough time to find the answers that we need." I say in frustration.

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