Decisions 1

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It is said that dreams are memories of a past life that you once lived. A life that you have no memory of in the waking world.

Having a second dream about Margaret and Jonathan makes me realize that Nicholas may be right about us being them in a past life. I never anticipated that the dream would change, but lately, a lot has happened in my life that I did not anticipate. My adamant ways about my decision to not fall in love have caused me to avoid things in my life rather than see them for how important they are.

"Hey, ladies..." Laura sings as she enters the boutique and finds Ally and me dressing a mannequin in one of the new dresses that arrived today. "This one looks good, doesn't it," she says eyeing the dress.

"Hey," I say, checking out her outfit.

She's wearing a white dress with sleeves going all the way down to her elbows and a white bow tie collar around the neck. I didn't get to see her before she left for work this morning because I stayed on the beach for a bit after sunrise. I needed some time to process everything, especially after having a different dream about Margaret and Jonathan. I'm still trying to understand the universe and make sense of all that transpired during the weekend. It's all a lot to take in. I never thought that the place where I made the vow to never fall in love would be the same place where I fell in love.

"Hey," Ally responds. "You should keep one for yourself before they get sold out."

"I should. Shouldn't I?" Laura walks over and touches the dress. "Save one in my size for me. A black one."

Ally giggles. "Sure thing boss."

"Sounds good," Laura says excitedly then sizes me up. "I told you, wearing jeans to work at a dress shop is bad marketing. You're selling dresses, not jeans."

"Well, jeans are more comfortable," I say.

Ally Laughs. "You should have gone to fashion school," she says looking at Laura. "You have such a passion for it."

"Maybe, but it wasn't practical at the time," she gives me a small smile.

By practical, she means it was easier to get a scholarship to get into law school, and by going to law school she would be able to work with our father.

"Hmm mmh..." Ally responds. "Well, I'm really glad that you're here. I need your opinion."

Laura's here to help Ally pick out a dress to wear to dinner with Jason and his parents tonight. Not that Ally needs the help since she's a fashion expert herself but Ally values Laura's opinion.

"Well, I can only spare a half hour," Laura warns. "I have a meeting with a potential client at 2 pm. So let's get to it."

"I'll just wait here in case a customer walks in," I say, adding a straight pin behind the dress to tighten it around the mannequin.

"No, we need your input," Laura says, flipping the sign on the door from open to closed. "The customers can wait."

"Okay, I'm not sure that I can be of much help," I say as we all walk into the dressing room.

"I've picked out three dresses that I think might be appropriate," Ally says.

"Okay, well let's see them," Laura says as the both of us sit on the beige sofa and Ally steps behind one of the shiny gray curtains to get changed.

"Thanks so much for doing this Laura," Ally says from behind the curtain. "I know you always have lunch with Noah so thanks for taking the time to be here."

"That's okay. Noah has other plans for lunch today."

"Oh, I see..."

"Yeah..." Laura continues as she looks at me from the corner of her eyes. "He's having lunch with Mr. Charles and Nick today."

From Sunrise To SunsetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora