Collide 4

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"Oh my gosh," Ally laughs, stepping out of the toilet. "It's literally hard to pee when you're wearing a ball gown. Remind me not to get married in a dress with a bouffant skirt."

I join her in laughter as I stand next to the electric hand dryer and place my hands under it. She begins to wash her hands while studying her reflection in the mirror.

Ally and I have been best friends since kindergarten. We are exact opposites. I'm quiet, she's loud, I don't date, and she's probably dated half the guys we went to school with. Luckily, she has never gotten her heart broken, but she's broken quite a few. She started dating Jason at the beginning of our senior year in high school. I'm surprised that their relationship has lasted this long. He must have done something right to keep her interested for such a long time, considering her track record.

"Don't worry, if you do, I'll hold it while you pee," I say, turning around and leaning on the sink closest to the electric hand dryer.

"Aww, you're sweet." She smiles at me, then opens her clutch and takes her red lipstick out. "So, the photographer... he's been eyeing you all night from across the room. You haven't noticed?"

I hold onto the sink, tapping my fingers against it while looking at the floor refusing to respond to her.

She looks at me from the corner of her eyes. "I think he likes you, and he's really hot," she says, leaning over the sink and looking into the mirror as she applies the red lipstick to her lips.

"I'm not interested in Nicholas," I reply, still looking at the floor.

She purses her lips and rubs them together to smooth the lipstick on her lips. "Oh, his name's Nicholas?" she asks.

"Yes, that's his name," Laura says, entering the washroom.

"Here we go," I say under my breath.

"There's clearly some chemistry between the two of you," Laura says, looking at me.

"There's nothing between the two of us. I don't even know the guy. I just met him at the beach today."

"You met him before tonight?" Ally says excitedly, putting her lipstick back inside her clutch, "Tell me everything!" She turns and gapes at me.

"There's nothing to tell." I fold my arms against my chest. "I was looking at the sunset as I always do, and he just happened to be there."

Laura looks at me eagerly, "What did he say to you?"

"Nothing." They both look at me clearly, not convinced while waiting for an honest answer. I roll my eyes, then turn to face the mirror. I study my reflection for a bit. My makeup is still as beautiful as it was a few hours ago when Laura did it. "He asked me out," I say, and Ally squeals, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I knew it," she grins, "What did you say?"

"Why do you even bother asking that question when the answer is obvious." Laura rolls her eyes.

"I told him I don't date," I reply, still studying my reflection in the mirror.

"Told you," Laura says and walks into the third toilet.

"Oh well, if you keep turning every guy down, then you're surely gonna miss out on something good," Ally says.

I bite the inside of my bottom lip processing what Ally just said. "Maybe you're right, but I can't miss what I've never had." I walk out of the washroom, refusing to take the conversation any further.


She walks back inside the venue and heads toward the exit, looking disconsolate. Shortly after, Laura and Ally follow.

"Did you guys see which way my sister went?" Laura asks as she reaches our table.

"Yep," Noah says. "She headed for the exit, looking pretty pissed."

"I think we might have pushed her a little too hard this time." She scans the room and takes a seat.

"What did you say to her?" I ask, wondering what might have made her so upset.

"Nothing, just a bit of girl talk," Laura explains as she leans back in the chair and sighs.

"Maybe I should go after her," I say, getting up from my seat.

"No, don't do that! Noah says, shaking his head. "Nooooo."

"If you go, she'll think that I sent you. We should leave her alone. She'll be back soon." Laura assures me. "Besides, it's time for the next performance. Get your camera ready."

I look across the room and notice that Ally is trying to explain to Mark why Cassandra is so upset. He, too, seems worried about her and seems to want to go after her, but Ally doesn't let him.

President Welsh taps on the mic. "Can I have everyone's attention, please? Let's put our hands together for the Glee Club. They will now perform the theme song from Beauty and the Beast."

The homecoming king and queen step into the middle of the dance floor as the Glee club begins to sing. I walk toward the stage and begin taking pictures. I keep glancing over at the exit, hoping she'll walk back in, but I'm filled with disappointment when she doesn't. I wonder what could have upset her so much that she would walk out of the building alone. I'm still tempted to go after her. I can't explain it, but I have this unknown desire to comfort her. I can't bear the thought of knowing that she is unhappy.

I glance at the exit once more, and I'm satisfied when I find her standing in the doorway. I can't help myself as I lift the camera to my eye and take her photograph. If only she knew what it was like seeing her through my eyes.

The performance ends, everyone claps, and we both walk to our respective tables. I look at her every move as she sits next to Mark. Ally reaches over and holds her hand. I read Ally's lips as she says the words, "I'm sorry." Cassandra nods her head in response.

President Welsh taps on the mic again. "Thank you members of the Glee club for such a beautiful performance of this song and to the homecoming queen and king for such lovely dancing. The dance floor is officially open for the night. Have a wonderful evening, everyone."

The band begins to play a classical rendition of Ed Sheeran - Perfect. The young couples fill the dance floor holding onto their dates as they begin dancing to the slow song.

Noah gets up from his chair and holds out his right hand toward Laura. "May I have this dance?" he smiles.

She smiles, putting her hand into his. "You may."

He holds her, hand leading her to the dance floor. They smile at each other as he pulls her into his arms, and they begin dancing. She lays her head on his chest, and he kisses her on the forehead. I remember the day that Noah called me to tell me that he had met the woman he was going to marry. I thought he was crazy, I didn't understand how he felt until now.

I watch as Ally and Jason walk toward the dance floor, and Cassandra and Mark follow behind them. Mark holds onto Cassandra's waist, and she puts her hand around his neck. They begin to sway to the beat of the music. Ally says something silly, and they all laugh.

"Come on, Nick," says Noah. "Put that camera to work."

Without thinking, I get up and move around the dance floor, taking photographs of the dancing couples. The band moves into another song, which is a classical rendition of Ariana Grande - POV. I walk back to the table, remove the camera from my neck, place it down, and then walk back to the dance floor towards Cassandra and Mark.

"May I cut in?"

Mark looks at Cassandra as if asking for her permission. She looks at me for a moment then nods her head in response.

I take her hands in mine, and I'm taken back in time. I didn't notice it before, but her hands feel extremely familiar. I believe that I have held these hands countless times before. I look down at them, caressing them on the back with my thumbs. She doesn't move or pull away or try to stop me. I look her dead in the eyes, finally realizing why those beautiful gray eyes look so familiar. Why didn't I realize this earlier? I keep my eyes focused on hers as I bring both her hands around my neck slowly and then bring mine around her waist, pulling her closer to me. We begin to sway to the beat of the music, and I can no longer help myself.


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