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I'm not sure what she means by "wear something nice," but I figure if we're going to be at the beach then I must wear something suited for it. I decided to wear an ivory white linen long-sleeve shirt with three buttons at the top and long ivory linen pants. I stop at the florist on my way to get her some flowers but this time I have them add a red rose in the center.

I pull up in her driveway and see Laura leaving the house. I pick up my bag and the bouquet from the back seat and open the door to let myself out of the car.

"Nick," Laura says, walking towards me. She looks me up and down, "You look very handsome."

"Thank you. Do you think it's appropriate for what your sister has planned for me?"

Laura laughs, "It is, and your outfits match."

"Oh my," I say, looking down at my outfit and then back at Laura. "We must be becoming like you and Noah."

Laura laughs again. "Well, that's not a bad thing. Is it?"

"Of course not," I smile reassuring her.

"I should take a picture of you and Cassandra before I leave. Did you bring your camera?" Laura asks, looking at the bag in my hand.

"Yes, it's in there," I say, looking down briefly at the bag in my left hand.

"Great," Cassandra is already on her way to the beach. "Let's go."

Laura and I walk to the back of the house and find Cassandra waiting near the top of the steps.

"So beautiful," I say softly as I gaze upon her beauty. She smiles at me shyly as I walk towards her.

"Hi," she says as Laura and I stand in front of her.

"Hi," I smile as I look at her from hair to feet and back. "You're stunning!" I say.

She blushes. "Thank you," she allows her eyes to explore my body from head to toe. "You're very handsome!"

"These are for you." I hand her the bouquet.

She looks down at the bouquet and smiles. "A red rose?"

"Yes. A symbol of my love, passion, and desire for you!"

"I see," she blushes and brings the flowers to her nose.

Laura clears her throat. "Let me get a photo of the two of you," she smiles.

"Of course," I say, remembering that Laura was standing beside me. I pull my camera out of my bag and hold it to my eye to check the lighting before handing it to her.

I rest my bag on the ground, stand beside Cassandra, and put my left arm around her waist. Laura snaps a photo of us and then hands the camera back to me.

Cassandra pulls the red rose from the bouquet and hands the Madonna Lilies to Laura. "Could you put these in some water for me, before you leave?" she asks.

"Of course," Laura says, taking the bouquet."

Cassandra and I make our way down the steps to the beach slowly. I can't help but keep my eyes on her legs as she takes one step after another, and the slits in her dress expose her thighs. I have seen her in shorts before, so it isn't the first time that I am setting sight on her thighs, but there's something about the way the slits expose them that's messing with my mind.

"Cassandra?" I say, halting both our steps.

She looks at me and for a moment we both stare into each other's eyes. "I can't wait till I get to the bottom of these steps to kiss you," I say. "I need to kiss you now."

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