Decisions 3

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We get to the Huntley hotel and ride the elevator up to the penthouse which is on the top floor. We take seats at a table next to a window where the view of the ocean is visible. I look out towards the ocean and thoughts of Cassandra flood my mind. I wonder if having a different dream last night made her feel any less adamant. I was tempted to go find her this morning even if it was to only get a glimpse of her but I didn't let myself. I've decided to give her a chance to figure things out on her own. Let her decide if she wants me. Whatever her decision, I will do my best to respect it.

"So what are we ordering?" Noah asks, clearing his throat as he glances at me, then back at the menu.

"I'm gonna have the grilled cheese sandwich and a Heineken." Uncle Thomas says.

"Sounds good. I'll have the same," I say.

"Me too," Noah says, putting his menu down.

One of the waitresses walks over to our table and takes our order. Five minutes later she comes back to our table and places our orders down.

"So, Nick, have you given any thought to what we've talked about?" Uncle Thomas asks, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Yes," I say, clearing my throat as I swallow the piece of sandwich that's in my mouth.


"I'm not sure if it's something I would enjoy doing..."

"How would you know?.. You haven't worked a day there. This is the best place for you. It's our family's legacy and you have all the qualifications for the job..."

"Having the qualifications doesn't automatically make it the best job for you. I don't have any desire to work at Charles' Brothers."

"Hmph...I would hate to see your father's legacy go down the toilet, but if you have no interest in working at the company you're gonna have to sell your shares."

Noah shot me a disappointed look, knowing that there was more than I was letting out. Photography is my dream and working at the company once was too but I can't let myself work there because it reminds me so much of my father. He and I were very close when he was alive and I still haven't gotten over his death. I don't think I ever will.

"Nick probably needs a bit more time to think about it," Noah says, looking at me. "You did say that you weren't sure. If you think about it a bit more then, you'll know for certain."

"Alright,.." Uncle Thomas says, taking a sip of his beer. "You've got till the end of the summer to think about it...I will retire in a few years and Noah can't run this company on his own. He's gonna need a partner, and if that isn't you then I'll need to start looking for someone suitable for the job."

"Till the end of summer huh?" I take a sip of my beer. "...Okay, I think that's fair."

"You should come by the company more often. Meet the employees, and get to know the whereabouts of the business. This way you'll know for sure if it's something that you'll enjoy doing." Noah suggests. "Why don't you come to work with us for a month? You could start next week."

"That's a fantastic idea." Uncle Thomas says, staring at me.

"I don't know..." I respond.

"Come on man. It wouldn't hurt," Noah begs. "It's just one month. This way you can make a proper decision."

Being in my father's old office wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. For a moment I enjoyed it. It brought back a lot of good memories. Some I hadn't visited in a long time. It was also nice to see Noah finally working there just like we dreamed about when we were boys.

"I'll have to check my schedule but...Okay, I guess it isn't a bad idea." I say.

"Great, it's settled then." Uncle Thomas says a small hint of hope in his eyes.

Noah smiles and nods his head.


After lunch, with Noah and Uncle Thomas, I ride back to Long Beach stopping off at my parents' house. I park in the driveway staring at the house trying to muster up the courage to go inside. I have kept myself from entering this house for years. The last time I was here was the day of the accident when Uncle Thomas and Aunt Mary-Ann picked Noah and me up from school and brought me here to get my things after telling me about the accident.

I remove my helmet and hang it on the left throttle of my bike as I gaze at the house. I had many opportunities to sell this house but could not part with it since it holds many of my childhood memories. Now that Uncle Thomas insists that I decide whether I want to take my rightful place in the company and continue my father's legacy or sell my shares and let his legacy die with him, here seems like the right place to think. I walk to the front door and open it reluctantly.

Inside the pieces of furniture are all covered in dust sheets. I walk through the living room, then into the kitchen remembering the memories once made here, the laughter that once filled this house. I walk over to the stairs, climb them, and walk down the hall to my old bedroom. The wall above my bed is covered with Polaroid photographs each holding a memory that was once made in this house, at Charles' Brothers, and everywhere else my parents and I went as a family. I look at the photos on the wall and smile as I recall the memory each one holds like it happened yesterday.

I remove the dust sheet from the bed and lie on it with my hand behind my head while staring up at the ceiling. I try to imagine the things that my father would say to me right now... He'd probably sound like Noah and tell me that it's okay to have more than one dream, he'd tell me that it's okay to miss him and that he misses me too. The thought of him makes a teardrop from the corner of my left eye. I sigh bringing myself up to sit on the bed. I look out the window and notice that the sun is beginning to egress. I get up from the bed making sure to cover it again with the dust sheet, before making my exit.

After taking one last look inside I lock the front door and hop on my motorcycle quickly. If there is one thing that's gonna alleviate the pains from the day I've had, it's the sight of Cassandra. I ride down to Santa Monica as quickly as I can so that I won't miss the chance to set my eyes on her as she watches the sunset.

I park my motorcycle in the parking lot near the beach and wait for her to appear. Usually, she's here an hour before sunset but I'm five minutes early. I stand at a distance waiting for her to show up. I won't go to her today, she's made it clear that I shouldn't come to find her so I'll keep my distance until she asks me to do otherwise.

"Right on time!" I say to myself as she walks on the beach, holding her sandals in her left hand.

Today she's wearing a mint sweatshirt with white shorts. She looks around the beach for a minute then sits on the sand and uses her phone to take a quick photograph of the sunset. I wonder if her obsession with the sun is for the same reason as Margaret's. I watch as she sits on the sand and looks at the sunset until it disappears behind the ocean.

When the sun is wholly gone she stands and walks away, leaving my heart heavy once more. As I look at her walking away, I whisper the words; "What if I can't stay away Cassandra?"

From Sunrise To SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now