I don't feel like he is with me completely. He is constantly lost. Sometimes I would say something, and he would reply, 'Sorry? Come again?'

I constantly feel on the edge. As much as I want to be with him, I want to get to the core of this too.

"The meal was great. Thanks for the recommendation." He chirped as we walked after the meal towards the parking lot.

As he smiled, his dimples glistened in the dim street light. Unknown to myself, I reached out to caress his cheek.

He instantly backed away with a shocked face.

We both looked at each other wide-eyed.

"I can't do this..." He mumbled. His whole body went tense.

"Nanon?" I asked, confused, and took a step closer, making him take a step back.

I stopped in place. "What is it? Why are you always so uneasy around me?" I finally blurted it out.

He looked up to meet my eyes once but quickly looked down on his feet again.

"You don't even feel comfortable when you look at me." My tone must have started sounding annoyed.

"..." He still did not look up. I could see him trembling.

"Nanon! Answer me, dammit! When you said you would find the answers to our lives with me, did you not think in the same way I did?"

"What did you think?" He asked immediately, cutting me. Now his eyes were red and moist. "Huh? Tell me? I just said that we would try to find the answers together. What does it mean?"

"It means we are together. For me, that is what it meant."

"NO!" He yelled. "You don't get it."

"Then explain." I pressed. "Stop making things complicated. My life is enough complicated as is. I am so conflicted each day. You know how I feel about you. And it's the first time I feel like this for a guy. You can't even imagine what is going on in my head every day when I see you with me, but not with me. It's like you are here, but not. You are always lost. Why are you doing this, then? Shove me away and tell me to leave. I'll go. I can't promise anything, but I will try never to bother you again."

"It's not that, Ohm." Suddenly, he was helpless and guilty. He walked forward and held my arm. "You are important to me."

"Me?" I asked, yanking my hand away. "How? We just met a few weeks ago. How can I be important to you? Please explain." I want him to tell me.

He is important to me because I have started liking him. I act that way too. But his behaviour and his words are different. And now it's starting to bother me.

"I can't tell you." He mumbled, slouching down.

"Dammit!" I kicked the wall on the opposite side.

"Ohm! You will hurt yourself." Nanon came rushing to me.

I pushed him away. "Please. Please don't behave as if you care." I blurted rudely.

He paused and looked at me. A tear slipped from his eyes down to his cheek.

I felt like punching myself to make him cry. But I couldn't, so I punched the wall instead.

"Ohm please. You think it doesn't hurt me when you hurt yourself?"

"Why will it hurt you?"

"Because I love you!" He yelled.

We both froze in place.

What did I just hear?

"You..." I started to ask, but Nanon's phone started to ring.

He looked away, wiped his face, and picked up the call. "Hello? Yes doctor... What do you mea... Oh god!"

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