"I'm not happy" his eyes warmed though "your just an intriguing girl to me Lailah"

I swallowed a orange skittle whole in response.

He reached forward to touch my hair, my frizzy imperfect always tangled hair that kind of felt perfect when he touched it. He moved his hand up behind my ear, his fingers running through my hair. He smiled gently as leaned into a kiss I knew I'd been waiting for but had been to stubborn to admit it.

Angling my jaw to meet his lips I couldn't help smile when they finally did. He was slow and beautifully gentle. His hands running through my hair and down my spine as if he trying to make me purr like a pussycat. I wanted, I always wanted more but then- Tap, Tap - on the window had to ruin it.

Me and Nathan broke our entanglements to glance up at window from where the tapping sound was still coming.

My eyes widened at the middle aged woman standing their, looking horrified. And that's when I remember what I told her. Oh god what this must look like.

"Oh Fuck, drive" I hissed under my breath.

"What do you mean?" Nathan frowned confused as a puppy dog "you spoke to her at the gas station didn't you?"

"Uh-huh lets go" I said twisting the keys in ignition for him but he stopped my hand.

"What's the issue Lailah?" He looked unsure about going as the lady continued to tap on the glass of the car.

"Um well the thing is ..." I ate two purple skittles and nulled over the best way to break this kind of news to someone.

"Lailah?" He said impatiently.

"Yes, yes ok fine" I sighed "I may or may not have told her you were my brother called Kevin with an eating disorder and now she may or may not have seen me kissing my brother called Kevin-"

"Why?-" He started but stopped himself "Lailah ..." He shook his head as if he didn't know what to think.

The lady tapped louder on the glass shouting through to us "your kind are spawn of the devil ..." And something else I couldn't hear due to the muffling of the glass.

"So um we should go?" I asked quirking an eyebrow.

"Yup" he agreed setting the gear in place before driving out of the petrol station and leaving the angry and horrified lady behind.

~ ~ ~

"So why Kevin?" We had driving in silence for quite some time now and Nathan was the first to break the silence " and what's with the eating disorder?"

"I used to have a pet snail called Kevin" I said whilst throwing a skittle up in the air and attempting to catch it in my mouth.

"I remind you of your pet snail?" He didn't seem annoyed by this although maybe he looked a little tired. How long had we been driving? Three hours?

"I dunno sometimes you are a bit slow" I joked as he rolled his eyes knowing full well it wasn't true.

"And the eating disorder?" He questioned.

"Hm" I laughed "You haven't worked it out?"

His look was the same as before so clearly not.

"You drink blood idiot, if that ain't a disorder or some kind of unhealthy addiction then I don't know what is" I chewed on my skittles thoughtful at what I said. Would I be able to deal with myself if I had to do what Nathan does just to survive?

Nathan looked lost in his thoughts too so I unbutton my seat belt and reach across to the back of the car.

"What are you doing Lailah?" He put his hand on the back of my leg "get back in you seat"

"I'm thirsty" I complained searching through each bag.

"Yes well so am I but I've still got to wait until we reach a town" he squeezed the back of my leg "so sit back down right now or I'll have to pull over the car"

"Yes dad" I glared the bottle of lemonade retrieved still "remind me next time to have the snacks upfront"

"One minute I'm her brother the next her father who knows what next" he mutters.

"If your good perhaps you'll move out of the blood relative group" I said twisting the cap of the lemonade.

"After all everything I do is to please you right?" He smiles playfully over.

"Of course whatever else would you be here for?" I smiled taking a sip of my drink.


So let's be honest who thought I wasn't going to ever, ever update ever again. Like ever? *raises hands*

I'm glad you guys have faith in me!

So anyway no promises on updating but I do have ideas so ya never know ...


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