I deserve a little time.

Start from the beginning

"There's not, baby," Kayce sighed and got out of bed. "But you can still tell me if you're okay with it or not."

He stopped at the bathroom door and looked back at her. Oakley's hands tangled in the sheets around her as she bit her lip. Kayce walked back over to the bed, leaning down and holding the side of her face.

"If he does anything to make you uncomfortable, anything at all..." Kayce said. "Or the kids, you tell me. I'm doing this for my brother...but you come first. You and them are always first."

Oakley nodded her head as Kayce kissed her.


Oakley sat outside their tent later that afternoon. The ride up had been smooth, but quiet. Jamie said hello to Oakley, but that had been it the whole time. James stayed quiet until he got to camp and saw his cousins. Oakley had walked away from Kayce once they dismounted, dropped off her things inside their tent, and then proceeded to tidy things up in there. Once that was done, she found a folding chair and set up a place where she could watch the little ones play on the field.

Her eyes drifted over to the tent Jamie and James would be in. Oakley watched Jamie roll out a mat in front of the entrance to the tent. She thought of May.

Oakley thought what Jamie must have said to May to make her get to a place where that was her only out. Kayce had told her it took over a year of his visits. That was a long time for a plan. A very strategic plan at that. Oakley caught herself glaring when Jamie glanced her way and she shifted her focus back to the kids. Her thoughts were interrupted when Tate walked up to her.

"Hey," Oakley looked up and smiled.

"Rip said I could sit in on the cattle tonight with the wranglers," Tate said. "You alright with that?"

"All night?" Oakley asked. "Think you can stay awake?"

"I'll drink coffee," Tate shrugged.

"You hate coffee," Oakley laughed.

"Yeah," Tate smiled. "Please?"

"Alright," Oakley nodded. "Which wranglers will be out there?"

"Think it's Ryan and Walker," Tate said.

"Okay," Oakley felt better. "Might wanna take a nap?"

"I'm okay," Tate shrugged again.

"How late did you sleep this morning?" Oakley asked.

"Till almost eleven," Tate said.

"You need more chores if you're sleeping until then...I'd still take an hour's nap at least," Oakley offered. "I'll come wake you for supper."

"Thanks," Tate smiled and walked over to go into his tent.


Oakley looked over and saw Evelyn running up to her. Her blonde hair wild behind her until she stopped at Oakley's knees.

"We need more flowers," Evelyn said.

"More?" Oakley looked above their tent and saw the bouquet from the other day.

"I wanna give some to everyone here," Evelyn said and it made Oakley smile. "Plus, Uncle Jamie needs some too."

Oakley felt her smile falter.

"We can get some more tomorrow," Oakley said.

"Will Uncle Jamie be here?" Evelyn asked. "How long are they staying?"

"I don't know, baby," Oakley shook her head. "Probably not as long as us."

"James said they're staying all summer," Evelyn said.

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