🦇Vampire night🩸

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<< Third person POV: >>

SMG3 was sleeping peacefully in his bed and sheets, snoring loudly like he always does almost every night. I wonder how SMG4 deals with his loud snoring. Anyways, SMG3's beautiful slumber was ruined from someone poking 3's face again and again. SMG3 groaned as he slowly started to wake up and wipe the saliva dripping from his mouth. Ugh, sounds so disgusting and unpolite but hey, let the meme guardian live his life however he wants. SMG3 flipped over to the opposite side of his bed and went back to sleep. The person tapping SMG3 sighed as they gave up and walked away, exploring three's room. The light from SMG3's bulb on the celling made the person hiss, making them turn off the lights.

The person yawned and decided to go in the bathroom. They hanged on the shower curtains from their feet's grip as they yawned and fell asleep. 

SMG3 finally woke up a few minutes later as he slowly started to get up from his bed. 3 went to the bathroom to take a piss, but before he could he saw something hanging from the shower curtain. He quickly threw his toothbrush at the unintended guest or visitor that he didn't even know. The person woke up and yelped as they fell to the ground. 

?: ' Why you little.. '

The person quickly flew at SMG3 as they flew out of the bathroom, letting SMG3 hit his whole body on the ground. 3 groaned in pain as he slowly got up.  He looked behind him to see a shadowy figure that had shiny ruby eyes piercing through SMG3's. 3 blushed but shook it away and walked out the bathroom to the unknown person. They hissed as they backed away from SMG3. 3 couldn't see who they were very well so he turned on the lights. It turned out to be yet another version of SMG4. Just except he's a literal vampire. 4 tackled SMG3 onto the ground as 4 opened his mouth, showing 3 his fangs. SMG3 screamed as 4 came closer to 3's neck. 3 felt a sharp sting on his neck and pushed 4 off. The vampire meme guardian licked the blood off his fangs as he sat on SMG3's bed. 

🦇: ' Hmph. you taste good anyways, I guess.. '

4 looked at 3 with a satisfied smirk. SMG3 looked into 4's eyes confused.

💜: ' What the HELL DO YOU MEAN!?! '

🦇:  ' Your blood you idiot. I'm a vampire and, be thankful I'm giving you a compliment and that YOU'RE alive.

SMG3 huffed at 4 and looked away flustered and angry. 3 got up and went to the bathroom to see if he had any marks from the bite, and he did. SMG3 screamed as the lights flickered from above him as 4 appeared behind him when the lights turned back on. 4 grabbed SMG3's shoulders as he leaned closer to his neck again. 

🦇:'  You wouldn't mind, would you? '

4 snickered when SMG3 didn't say anything and just blushed. 3 pushed 4 away and walked out the bathroom. SMG3 slapped a bandage on his neck where the bite was and laid down on his bed. 3 went on his phone and started to watch some funny memes so he can at least try to ignore the pain. 4 snatched the phone from SMG3 as 4 looked at the screen, pushing SMG3's head away so he wouldn't get the phone back. Also it would suck to 3 because SMG3 was shorter than 4 at this moment. Anyways, when 4 was done watching some memes he looked at SMG3 with a confused look, but still won't give the phone back

🦇: ' What are these anyways? '

The vampire asked as he waved the phone in the air. 

💜: ' That's a god damn meme you idiot! You're even a meme guardian yourself! '

SMG3 said as he pointed at the vampire, no longer a meme guardian for now. 4 looked into the meme guardian's eyes filled with confusion. SMG3 quickly looked away from the vampire's beautiful and hypnotic ruby eyes, god 3 could even look into those eyes for eternity but not right now. 4 gave SMG3 his phone back and flew back into the bathroom.

💜: ' What are you doing in there? ' Asked the curious meme guardian.

🦇: ' I'm going to sleep. Hopefully I can get back to my home because this place is filthy. ' The vampire hissed.

SMG3 growled at 4 but 4 hissed back at him, making 3 scared. The vampire flew onto the shower curtain and hung upside down. SMG3 just turned off the lights and got into his fluffy blanket. Soon hearing soft snoring coming from the bathroom, he noticed that the vampire was already asleep.

💜💭: ' Damn, he looks cute when he sleeps. ' The meme guardian thought.

He sighed at the thought of the vampire being cute. His rival being cute? Pfft! Imagine that happening between the two. Well, it did now so no argument. Three let out a big yawn as he slowly closed his eyes. These different versions of SMG4s are getting crazier by the second! SMG3 better do something about this before it gets worse. After a little, SMG3 fell asleep with.. a vampire in his bathroom, sleeping.

 << 878 words. I've been low on writing on this story. If you haven't noticed what's going on, check the announcements I've made on my profile. And oof, sorry for the big wait. >>

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