❄Ice skating👟

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<< Third Person POV: >>

After a few days after the whole hospital thing, SMG3 decided to take the small 4 to an ice skating rink, to at least teach him something about ice skating and stuff like that. While they were getting ready, SMG3 didn't have any toddler sized clothes for SMG4, but 4 didn't mind it. SMG4 tried to use a bit of his energy to spawn in some perfect sized clothes for him, though he spawned only a small thin-sleeved white shirt with blue sparkles and thin black pants. SMG3 said that SMG4 will freeze to death but SMG4 didn't care and just shook it off.

𓂀 * 𝔸𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕕.. * 𓂀

After both got ready to go ice skating, SMG3 put a coat on while 4 looked like he was begging for a death wish because 3 thought he was gonna FREEZE TO DEATH-! SMG3 put on some fuzzy boots while SMG4 just wore his casual brown shoes. Both got into SMG3's car and started to drive off. While SMG3 was driving, SMG4 sat in the back and looked outside the window for any kind of entertainment. The sun blinded the small 4's eyes but that didn't bother him much, since he was a bit bored of waiting in the car.

𓂀 * 𝔸 𝕓𝕚𝕥 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣.. * 𓂀

When both finally arrived, they both got out of the car and walked inside. Both got their ice skates based on their foot size and went in the ice skating rink. Both of the boys started to take off their shoes (and boots cause for SMG3-) and put on their ice skates. SMG3 stood up with his ice skates on and waited for SMG4 to put his on. When SMG4 finally put his ice skates on, SMG3 held out his hand so he could help the small 4 up. SMG4 said he didn't need help since he was a 'pro athlete' but SMG3 just scoffed at him, not believing him. SMG4 took a little while to get up and grabbed SMG3's hand, telling him that he was ready. Both lovers started to get on the ice, but then SMG4 just fell from the slippery-ness of the ice. SMG3 laughed at SMG4, but still helped him up since he was his cute idiot.. Anyways, when SMG4 got up, both boys went to the wall and had a bet on a race around the rink 3 times. The loser whoever, had to put on a cat outfit for the rest of the week. Yeah, I said week. SMG3 said he was gonna count down, and SMG4 didn't give a meme and a half so he let SMG3 do it. 

💜: '' Three.. two.. one.. GO! ''

SMG3 zoomed past SMG4 and 4 felt a cold breeze hit his face. This made SMG4 distracted for SMG3 for a little while until SMG4 started to skate on the ice. SMG3 was already on his 2nd lap, while SMG4 was still halfway through his 1st. When SMG4 said he was a pro athlete, he meant it but he hadn't ice skated in a long time. SMG4 fell on the ice again when SMG3 zoomed past him, but this time he hit the ice hard on his face. SMG4 started to cry and that's when SMG3 started to slowly skate towards 4. SMG3 saw that blood slowly started to stain the ice and.. SMG4's tears just getting on the ice too. SMG3 quickly picked up SMG4 and skated out of the rink and went on the cold metal bench. SMG3 took off his skates and started to help SMG4  take off his. SMG3 quickly returned both of their ice skates and went straight to 3's car. While three was driving, he could still hear SMG4's stupid and annoying toddler crying from the back of his car. SMG3 tried to ignore it for the rest of the ride back to the showgrounds, and thankfully he didn't lose his sanity.

𓂀 * 𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖'𝕤 𝔹𝕠𝕞𝕓 ℂ𝕒𝕗é.. * 𓂀

SMG3 sat SMG4 on the countertop while he searched for an ice bag. SMG4 held his small cheek in pain and kept crying and crying, and SMG3 was literally about to go crazy. SMG3 shoved an ice pack into SMG4's hand and watched 4 put it on his cheek. SMG3 told SMG4 to open his mouth and so, SMG4 did. SMG3 noticed that 4 was missing one of his small top teeth and it was bleeding out like crazy. SMG4 closed his mouth and gave out the scent of blood from his mouth to SMG3's nose. SMG3 waved away the smell with his hand and coughed into his hand. SMG4 then sneezed and got some blood on the floor. SMG3 wiped the blood off the floor with his sleeve and got a blood stain on it. SMG3 didn't care, since both were still wearing their clothes for the ice skating thing. SMG3 carried SMG4 bridal style into the elevator and into his room. SMG3 sat SMG4 on his bed and searched for SMG4's and his old clothes. When he did, he told SMG4 to put his old clothes on in the bathroom. SMG4 went into the bathroom and started to change while SMG3 started to do the same. When SMG3 was done, he went to go check on SMG4 in the bathroom, so he walked into the bathroom to see that SMG4 had multiple bruises on different parts of his small body. On his chest, arm, knee, and even his cheek. SMG4 didn't mind it though and told 3 that he would be ok. SMG3 wasn't sure about that idea but just let 4 be since he already had enough from the intense pain. Once SMG4 put his old overalls on, SMG3 brushed 4's hair to the side since it was covering his face. For a split second, 3 could possibly see 4 having a blue and purple flower pin in his hair and a basket of daisy flowers, and in a white suit. SMG3 backed up a little from confusion and shock, but SMG4 asked what's wrong. SMG3 shook it off and said it was nothing, and said he just needed some space by himself. SMG4 didn't argue with it and let SMG3 be. When SMG3 looked into the mirror in the bathroom, he couldn't see SMG4's reflection anywhere. He got confused and kept looking back and forth at the mirror and SMG4. SMG3 didn't know what was going on, but shook it off and thought he was tired, so 3 rubbed his eyes to see a faint reflection of 4 as some sort of.. angel or something-? SMG3 thought he was hallucinating, so he just went to his bed and got in his blanket. SMG4 just sat on the bed next to SMG3 and it creeped 3 out. SMG3 felt tired, so he didn't pay much attention and soon after a few minutes, he fell asleep. But SMG4 didn't.

<< 1153 words! Sorry for the LOOONNG wait, but I've been having problems with the lack of motivation and sometimes didn't have enough time to write. I'm so sorry! (✖╭╮✖)>>

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