🎉New year, new 4⭐

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<< Third Person POV: >>

Woo! It's about to be 2024! 

( Depending where you come from )

To start off new years eve, Three woke up like the usual and like always. And by surprise, mostly first to wake up. SMG3 slowly got up but heard like a robot rebooting sound. SMG3 then heard a voice that said 

?: '' Ugh.. My freaking head.. ''

SMG3 turned to see SMG4 as an.. Disassembly drone-? Now if you know Murder Drones, you're probably freaking out right now. Anyways, SMG3 literally shoved himself into the corner of a wall since he was confused and scared why SMG4 was in that type of form. Since SMG4 was a robot or disassembly drone, call it whatever you want, SMG4 took out his 'SICK AS HELL RAILGUN' and pointed it at SMG3, since 3 is a human compared to 'SMG4'. SMG3 put his hands up like he was getting arrested by the cops and started sweating like hell. 

🖤?: WHO ARE ▄︻デy̷o̷u̷══!? AREN'T I SUPPOSED TO BE ▄︻デf̷a̷l̷l̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷d̷o̷w̷n̷══━ AN ELEVATOR SHAFT!?!

4 growled at SMG3 and started to back away, still pointing the railgun at 3. 4's robotic eyes started to glitch from purple to blue, also his voice started buzzing real bad. SMG3 tried to convince 'SMG4' not to kill him, which 4 had to debate on. 4 coughed up a little oil and dropped his railgun on SMG3's bed. 4 looked tired and also in pain from what SMG3 thought, but 4 definitely was feeling the pain part the most. Both SMG3 and 4 were sitting on the bed and avoiding eye contact with each other. 4 projected an angry face on his eye screen or something and just grabbed his railgun and held it close to him. SMG3 did have to admit that 4 looked cool as a robot which 4 just said "BITE ME!" to. 4 blushed a little and just made a pouty face. SMG3 just laughed at 4 and just put his hand on his shoulder. 4 slapped away 3's hand and just got off of SMG3's bed. 4 put away his railgun and just looked around SMG3's room. 4 liked SMG3's room aesthetic, since it kind of looked similar to 4's. 4 informed SMG3 that he should call him Uzi or at least 4, and not SMG4. SMG3 didn't argue with the names he was supposed to call 4, reason being because he didn't want to die by his lov- I mean rival. SMG3 thought it wouldn't be that bad, living with a dangerous robot that looks like his partner that also has a gun. 4 sat on SMG3's desk to avoid getting near 3 since he didn't trust SMG3, only the one from where he comes from. 4 started to slowly regenerate his hand from when it was chopped off, which relived 4. SMG3 saw it and was terrified by it. 4 just laughed at SMG3 and gave him a little >:3 face. SMG3 just rolled his eyes until hearing fireworks from above his café.  4 ignored it and decided what he should do. 4 told SMG3 he should go check on what the sound was, and SMG3 just went up into the elevator and outside to the showgrounds. While three was doing that, 4's eyes were glitching from yellow to blue, until finally thinking he was gonna have a little fun on his own..

<< SMG3's POV: >>

Since now I'm living with a dangerous ( but cute ) robot of SMG4, he told me to go check what the fireworks were about. I didn't argue and I went outside to the showgrounds since I didn't want to die. I'M TOO YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL TO DIE! Anyways, it was just our whole crew setting fireworks and watch them fly off into the air. It was pretty loud so I covered my ears to prevent myself from hearing all their yapping and cheering about new years. Oh, and about new years, I don't have anything planned for it. And I'm NOT spending my last minutes of 2023 with those idiots, so I went back in my café. In the elevator and into myy.. OH HOLY SHIT MY ROOM!

<< Third Person POV: >>

SMG3 walked into his room to see that it's completely destroyed. Everything was knocked over from the shelfs and some things SMG3 owned were even broken into pieces. SMG3 started to panic until hearing the elevator close and a laugh. SMG3 slowly looked up to see 4 on the ceiling and oil dripping from his mouth. SMG3 screamed like a little girl as 4 started to laugh more, jumping down from the ceiling. 4's eyes were bright yellow instead of blue, which 3 noticed. 4 slowly started to approach SMG3 while 3 started to back up until finally his entire body and head hitting a wall. 4 started to laugh as he used his 'absolute solver' powers from his hand I guess to grab a shard of glass. SMG3 started to panic until finally 4's eyes changed back to their regular blues. 4 quickly dropped the glass shard he was holding and backed up from SMG3. 4 didn't look that guilty almost slaughtering SMG3, especially if 3's a human. 4 and 3  avoided eye contact with each other for a good minute or more until 3 finally asked 4 why he almost murdered him. 4 said it was none of his business and while 4 said that he closed his wings. Both 3 and 4 started to hear a countdown and both knew what was going on. It was the countdown for new years.. 

Both of them didn't know what to do, so they just stayed inside. Both started to hear loud screaming and cheering from outside and even more fireworks. 4 just groaned and sat on SMG3's bed, while SMG3 sat next to 4. 4 asked what SMG3's name was, which is stupid but SMG3 responded with his name. 4 said that it was kind of similar to his 3 from where he comes from, which is pretty cool. SMG3 yawned and laid in his sheets while 4 did the same but without the blanket. SMG3 was the one who fell asleep first, but it took a while for Uzi ( 4 ) to fall asleep. Slowly closing his eyes before shutting down to sleep.

                       << 1045 words. Happy New Years to all of you reading this! ≧◡≦ >>

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