💙Noticeable Problems❗

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( If you haven't seen the first part of this story, please read it so it makes more sense👍)

Third Person POV:

3 kept looking around of any sight of 4, until looking down. He saw 4's hat, and something really small jumping up and down, waving its hands in the air. SMG3 didn't care and was about to walk out the room, until hearing squeaking sounds. SMG3 slowly turned around and crouched down to get a closer look, just to see a tiny SMG4.

💜: Bro, 4 is that you?

SMG4 tried to talk with SMG3, but it just came out squeaking because of how small he was. 3 picked up 4 with his hand and just looked at him, confused. SMG4 tried to crawl out of SMG3's hand but 3 held him harder. SMG3 thought of something and went to his café with SMG4 to figure out something.


As I opened the door to my café, I kept searching for that tube of poison I poured in 4's coffee. But oh boy, SMG4 was so FUCKING ANNOYING. He kept SQUEAKING AT ME AND IT IRRITATED ME. Until I found the tube of poison, or just a little of it. I looked at the strip across it and read the title. It said "totally poison!!" which I ripped that strip off to reveal it's some type of potion. God dammit, it's a goddamn shrinking potion, not POISON.

Third Person POV:

As SMG3 tried to look for something so SMG4 could turn back to his normal self, SMG4 just kept squeaking at him out of anger and confusion. 3 was about to smack the shit out of 4 if he didn't shut his mouth. SMG4 started to crawl up SMG3's arm as SMG3 kept searching. SMG3 noticed SMG4 climbing up his arm and stopped.


SMG4 kept climbing until sitting on SMG3's shoulder. SMG3 blushed at this, but tried to hide it. SMG3 just sat there while SMG4 sat on his shoulder. SMG4 leaned on SMG3's beard as he yawned and started to fall asleep. SMG3's face turned red while SMG4 was asleep.


Why is he so.. cute? No, no, no. I can't be thinking like this. I'll just get some sleep and this'll all pass the next day.. right?

                                         [381 words.]

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