🎄Christmas Couples🎁

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<< Third Person POV: >>

Today was the day. It was finally Christmas! SMG3 was the first one to wake up which is not an important idea. SMG3 slowly got up and stretched his body to feel relaxed. He stared at SMG4's still sleeping toddler body and gave a small smile at him. SMG3 got up from his bed and went into the bathroom to change his clothes and also do some other morning stuff. Brush his teeth, change his clothes, and I guess go make some coffee for himself. SMG3 went into the elevator and to the top floor of his beautiful bomb café to see that.. his café was decorated-? There was Christmas lights everywhere and even a Christmas tree. Eggdog was wearing a small Christmas hat and there was SMG4, who was sitting on the countertop with his present in his hands. SMG3 was confused since he just saw SMG4 sleeping in his bed. There was no way he could've decorated everything in a matter of a few minutes. SMG4 stared deep into SMG3's soul with a small smile on his face. SMG3 got creeped out and just went to go make some coffee for himself, incase something chaotic happens on this day. SMG4 asked SMG3 if he now bought anything for anyone, but SMG3 said he didn't. SMG4  suggested that SMG3 should buy something for at least someone that meant something special to him. The meme guardian said it was fine and took a long sip of his coffee. The small 4 just watched SMG3 while holding a bouquet of flowers and his small present. SMG3 now had curiosity for who the present could be for. It could be for Mario, Meggy, Tari, and even anyone you could think of. SMG3 just stood there and thought of someone that could get the gift from SMG4. SMG3 asked SMG4 who the present was for. SMG4's answer was that it was for SMG3. 3 just stood there in shock and almost even dropped his cup of coffee. SMG4 gave the gift to SMG3 with the bouquet of flowers. SMG3 slowly opened the small box to see a paper that said " I ❤ you" on it with a purple and white colored bracelet. SMG3 let out a single tear since it was so beautiful to him. SMG3 had the thought come across his head again. He could've gotten SMG4 a present but another side of him said he shouldn't. SMG3 felt so horrible and almost started to cry. After a few minutes of silence, SMG4 said that they should go on a walk together to get some fresh air. SMG3 didn't argue with it and just agreed with the small 4's idea. Both put their jackets and boots on and walked out into the showgrounds. It was snowing, families and friends were gathering around, but SMG4 and SMG3 only had each other. As the two boys or I should say 'LOVERS' walked further into a nearby park, they saw more couples, or just 2 family members hanging out. This made both of them smile but people gave SMG4 and SMG3 confused looks. Both of the meme guardians didn't care and just kept walking on the sidewalk together. The cold wind shot at both of their faces and blew their hair backwards. Both of them laughed together and decided to go back to SMG3's café since it was freezing cold outside. 

𓂀 * 𝔸𝕥 𝕊𝕄𝔾𝟛'𝕤 𝕓𝕠𝕞𝕓 𝕔𝕒𝕗é.. * 𓂀

<< SMG3's POV: >>

Me and SMG4 walked into my bomb café and I decided to make some hot cocoa for the both of us. For y'know, the 'Christmas spirit,' if that's how everyone says it. Anyways, when I was done I gave one of the cups of hot cocoa to SMG4. We both drank our hot cocoa and decided to watch a movie on my phone. I grabbed SMG4's hand and went to the elevator to my room. We both sat down in my bed as I put on a movie on my phone and put it on ( almost ) full volume. I turned off the lights and watched a cool Christmas movie with SMG4.

<< Third Person POV: >>

While SMG4 and SMG3 were watching the movie, SMG4 covered himself in SMG3's warm and comfy blanket. It started to get cold in the room and the small 4 was shivering. SMG3 turned off his phone and snuggled closed to SMG4 to produce some 'body heat'. SMG4 started to purr since he was getting warmer being next to SMG3. And no, this isn't a snowtrapped reference. SMG3 ran his fingers through SMG4's hair while 4 slept. SMG3 was glad and also thankful that today wasn't that chaotic like last year. And including the Christmas Wars thing. SMG3 for no reason stayed up, thinking about his life decisions. He didn't buy a gift for SMG4, and it was almost December 26th. SMG3 started to overthink this choice of his whole entire life. I mean, SMG4 was the one who got SMG3 a gift, and SMG3 didn't give him a gift. Probably wouldn't matter anyway. SMG4 was a sweet little soul and was always cheery, expect when he's hurt in any way, but he's still a little happy memer. SMG3 slowly started to close his eyes. Maybe this will pass on tomorrow since it's a brand new day.

                                              << 882 words. Merry Christmas!! >>

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