Chapter 87: Back Home

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Bruce: Yeah, I'm back.

Natasha: Hi Bruce.

Bruce: Hey Nat.

We started to catch up with Bruce as we then moved into the meeting room o come up with a place. I watched as Steve and Natasha brought up the images of the aliens who attacked Alex, Wanda, and Vision.

Rhodey: So we've gotta assume they're coming back.

Alexander: And clearly to find us.

Pietro: We need all hands on deck.

Bruce: Pietro is right. Where's Clint?

Natasha: After the whole Accord thing, Clint and Scott took a deal, they're on house arrest.

Bruce: Who's Scott?

Alexander: Ant-Man.

Bruce: There's an Ant-Man, an Spider-Man, and one with an alien?

Evander: Yeah the one with the alien is my younger sister.

Bruce: Right. Anyway, Thanos has the biggest army in the universe and he's not gonna stop until he gets Vision's stone.

Natasha: Then we need to protect it.

Vision: No we have to destroy it.

Vision then went on to explain that he believes that Wanda's power are the only way of destroying the stone so Thanos won't get it.

Wanda: Vis, that's too high of a risk.

Vision: You're the only one who had the power to pay it.

Wanda: No, there's has to be another way.

Alexander: Yeah.

Vision: *looked at everyone* Thanos threatens half of the universe, one life can't stand in the way of that.

Steve: But it should.

Evander: He's right, we don't trade lives.

Vision: Evander, three years ago, you risk your life twice for the sake of innocent people when Bruce went out of control and when Venom went loose. Tell me how is it different?

Bruce explained to us that if we remove the stone out of Vision's head then maybe there will be a majority of him left.

Natasha: Bruce, can you do it?

Bruce: Not me, not here.

Rhodey: Well we've gotta find somewhere else right now.

Alexander: Your right.

Cassandra: And I fucking guess that Ross won't give us our old rooms back.

Me and Steve looked at each other as we both know the place to go.

Steve: There is one place to go.

Pietro: Where's that?

Evander: We're going to Wakanda. But first to get someone and to drop off the kids.

Cassandra: Do you know a place?

Evander: Yup I do. You just have to make a portal there.

(Five Minutes Later)

An portal appeared in front of my mother's house as I walked out with the kids.

Evander: She's getting better.

Aerith: W-w-we're going to grand grand's h-house?

Evander: Yup. She'll love to see you again and met her new grandkids.

I walked up to the door and knocked the door with my knee as I saw mum open the door.

Angel: E-evander?

Evander: *smiles* Hey mum, it's been a while.

She then hugged me a bit and let go of me.

Angel: You was an idiot for what you did.

Evander: I know I know. But we gotta go save the whole universe and I want you to watch the kids.

Angel: Kids? I know you adopted Aerith so the kids you is holds is...

Evander: Yup mines and Cassandra's kids. Twins mind you. Meet Joseph and Valentina Axe.

I gave them to my mum as she was smiling as Aerith walked to her and hugged her leg.

Angel: *smiling* They're adorable.

Evander: Thanks. I'll have to go get someone and then we're heading out. You can call Cassandra's parents to help you and they can meet the kids.

Angel: I will and please be careful.

Evander: I will.

I hugged them and soon left to go get the person I was looking for.

(Fifteen Minutes Later.)

I made it back to the compound with Francine who I found in her old house and asked her to come with us back to Wakanda and she agreed.

Evander: Okay I'm back!

Cassandra: Okay. *saw Francine* Why her?

Francine: Jeez you still got a problem with me.

Cassandra: Yes the fuck I do. You almost killed my Evander and I want payback.

Evander: Cass cass no. Okay? I asked her to join us and don't try to hurt her at all okay?

Cassandra: .........Fine. But I'm watching you puta(bitch).

Alexander: Still having a hate boner for Francine after years. Grow up Cassandra.

Cassandra gave Alex one of her death glares to which made Alexander flinch a bit as I just sighed to myself as the jet then appeared in front of us as we then got on and made our way back to Wakanda.

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