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Trigger warning- sexual assault

Y/n PoV

It's Thursday morning and I'm sat in my car in the school parking lot, I got here a little earlier then normal, I'm currently smoking a cigarette and notice Mac walking over to my car after he finished this morning training with the lads on the football team.

He gets in my car and looks at me.

"Where was you yesterday? How come you went home" Mac asks concerned

"I didn't feel to good so the school nurse rang my dad to come get me" I say lying as I don't wanna tell him the real reason why I went home.

"Are you okay now" he asks as he lights up a cigarette

"Yeah I just got a headache nothing major" I say back while smoking the rest of my cigarette

"Should you be in school, like if you still don't feel good" he says being concerned about me

"Yeah I'll be fine" I say with a small smile to reassure him that I'm fine, I'm not going tell him I was up all night crying and it's the reason for my headache, he doesn't need to worry about me I'm fine.

While me and Mac have a chat, and a little laugh I notice Lizzie pulling up to school with clay in her car, I watch as they both get out and clay leans up on Lizzie car while she walking over to my car.

She opens the passenger door, to where Mac is sitting.

"Hey can I talk to y/n private please" she says softly and Mac nods and gets out the car and heads over to clay while Lizzie gets in my car shutting the door behind her.

"What happened to you yesterday" she says firming like she pissed at me

"I didn't feel to good so dad come and got me" I lie as I don't want to talk about it.

"Yeah I get that, but you could of at least texted me back, I've been worrying all day and night yesterday and you couldn't even just text to say you was sick" Lizzie says pissed

"I know, I'm sorry" I say softly and looking down

"Look at me" Lizzie says and I look up at her

"Don't lie to me, I can see you've had no sleep and you've been crying so wanna tell me the truth" she says.

"I'm not, I've just got a headache" I say still lying and she laughs lightly

"Y/n, I care about you and want to be there for you and help you, but I can't fucking do that if you don't talk to me and lie to me about what going on, we're in a relationship and you don't lie to me" Lizzie says pissed at me

"Lizzie please, just drop it, I'm fine" I say and she shakes her head.

"No just going not talk to me or tell me the truth, fine, but this relationship won't work if you don't talk to me" she say pissed getting out the car and slamming the door behind her and I watch her walk back over to Mac and clay.

I put my head in my hands, feeling hopeless and broken, I feel like my life's falling apart.

I Thought I was coping well, but I'm clearly not, it's hurting that now my dad knows, and I had to talk to him about it, I never wanted him to find out what happened I never wanted anyone to find out, all I want right now is a hug from my mom.

I hear the bell ring for school to start, I don't bother moving out my car, my heads in my hands., and I feel myself crying, I'm physically broken inside and I don't know what to do to stop this feeling.


Lizzie PoV

As I get to the school doors to head in I turn back and see y/n still sat in her car with her head in her hands, I have this horrible gut feeling that something not right.

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