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Lizzie PoV

Today finally over, I head to my locker to get a few things out, and I see Ricky waiting by my locker.

"Hey babe" he says with a warm smile
"Hey" I say biting my lip lightly smiling back
"So I know you're grounded, but I was thinking I'll sneak over later" he says with a smirk on his face.
"My mom will lost her shit Ricky" I say opening my locker up
"She won't know I'm there, I'll be quiet" he says leaning against the other lockers
"Good luck trying get passed my mom" I say closing my locker and giving home a small kiss and leaving him to meet my sister at their car
"I'll see you tonight then" he shouts and I turn back smiling at him shaking my head.

We pull up in the drive and notice a tall man leaving our house and getting into his car and mom at the door saying bye to him
"Who the fuck is that guy" Ashley says who sat in the passenger seat. Mk parks up and we all get out the car and head inside.

We're all in the kitchen helping mom cook dinner but I'm doing my homework on the table.
"So mom who was that guy" Mk asks mom as she cutting the chicken breast up for dinner
"He my boss, he's was just dropping of a few things for my work conference I'm attending this weekend" she says cutting the vegetables up
"Oh we're never meet him before" Ashley said taking a seat at the table with me and I roll my eyes
"So is your boss going as well this weekend" mk asks mum

"No he's not, it's the anniversary if his wife passing this weekend, so he wants to be there for his daughter" mom says as she puts all the vegetables in the pot and myself Ashley and mk all look at each shook, is y/n dad my mom boss

"What's your bosss name" Ashley asks
"Ian Y/L/N why" my mom asks looking at Ashley
"No reason" Ashley says and looks over at mk shocked
"His daughter goes to the same school as you girls, she in the same year as Lizzie" mom says as she take the cut chicken off mk to put in the pot with the vegetables.
"Oh really what's her name, we might have bump into her" Mk says as she walks over seating at the table with me and Ashley
"Y/n" mom says and we all look shocked and no one says anything and mom notices

"What the fuck have you girls done" she asks walking over to the table where we are sat
"Nothing" Ashley says with a little laugh and then looks at mk
"Don't lie to me" mom says
"She called Lizzie a slag" Mk mention leaning back in the chair with her arms crossed
"Yes but I told you to forget about it, you went and said shit about her mom and dad to her" I say snapping back and leaving the table and heading upstairs.
"Mary-Kate you best not have said anything to that girl about her mom or her dad" I over hear my mom shout at my sisters

While I'm in my room, I hear a light knock on my window as I open my window I see Ricky sitting in the window side.
"What are you doing" I say quietly so my sister and mom don't hear, he climbs into my room and sit on my bed pulling me in between his legs
"I told you I'll come see you" he says with a smile on his face and I blush
"My mom finds out she will kill us both" I say
"I'm okay with that, but it seems she bit busy telling your sisters off" he says as he leans in and kisses me.

I pull away slightly and seat next to him "yeah mom just found out about what they did to y/n at lunch and she not happy because y/n dad is my mom boss" I say as I cuddle into Ricky
"If you want we can go check on y/n make sure she okay" he says sweetly, he really is a sweet guy
"I can't I'm grounded" I say looking down
"Sneak out, and if your mom finds out just tell her you went to see y/n if she doesn't believe you, at least when she asks her boss he will be like yeah she came over" he says knowing he does have a fair point
"True but we don't even know where she lives" I say looking at him
"We'll go ask Annie she at jakes house" he says and I nod.

We both sneak out my bedroom window and down the road to where he parked his car, I know my mom will kill me once she knows I've snuck out when I'm grounded but right this moments I just wanna know y/n okay I feel awful

We get to jakes house I stay in Ricky car while he goes and ask Annie where y/n lives because right now I don't even wanna see her face, she betrayed her best friend for a guy she just met.

Ricky canes back and drives us to y/n, we drive down a really nice neighbourhood it's seems really rich and posh, we pull up outside a big house with gates outside, fuck y/n live here I think to myself. We get out the car and walk through the gate to the door and ring the bell

A moment later her dad answers the door
"Can I help you" he asks politely
"Sorry MR Y/L/N we've just wondering if y/n is in" Ricky says respectfully and politely
"Yeah why don't you guys come In" he says and moves away from the door letting us in, I'm so amazed with how beautiful this home is, and how big it is.
"She in the living room, go in and I'll get you guys some drinks" her dad says and we both nod and say thank you.

We walk into the living room and y/n stands up shocked to see myself and Ricky here
"What are you doing here" she asks nervously
"I wanted to know if your okay" I say with a broken voice
"I'm okay, now you can go" she say's anxiously and I look down.
"Y/n we're sorry about what Annie said and Lizzie sorry for what her sisters done" Ricky says
"Okay, thanks but like I said I'm okay" she says and walks out the living room and to the front door and we follow.
"We're see you at school" Ricky says as he leaves I turn back and look at y/n and she give me a small smile and shuts the door behind us

We get back into Ricky car I'm putting my seat belt on and he starts the car
"So what you wanna do now" he asks me
"We'll I'm out now so might as well stay out a little longer" I say smiling

Heartache high Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora