Coming out

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Y/n PoV

Lizzie and Ricky leave and I head back into the living room, I go back to watching tv, before my dad come in and turns it off and I look up at him as he takes a seat next me.

"Your friends didn't stay long" he says
"There not my friends dad" I say looking down at my hands
"We'll it seems to me, that they are trying, wanna care to explain what Annie done today at school" my dad says and I shake my head no
"Come on kid I need you to talk to me and not shut away" he says worried about me

I don't say anything just keeping my head down a a few tears run down my face, my dad notice and pulls me into a hug. "Come on you need to speak to me, I hate seeing you like this" he says

"Dad I" I pause and take a deep breath "dad I like girls, I'm gay, I don't find guy attractive or anything, I'm sorry if I've disappointed you" I say sobbing and can't even look at my dad cause I'm scared of what he'll say

"It's okay, I still love you for who you are, I've always known since you was a kid, but your mom told me to wait till you was ready to tell us" he says and pulls me back into a hug and I sob harder
"I'm so fucking proud of you kid" he says and I smile as I'm crying.

"So what happened at school" he asks again and I pull away from the hug and wipe my tears before talking

"Annie told everyone that I'm gay, just to try and fit in with the popular lot, and then I had mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen calling me a dirty lesbian and saying they bet you and mom proud of me and everything, Ashley took my bag and wouldn't give it back, their sister Lizzie who just tired up here, came after me, to apologise cause of her sisters and to give me my bag back, but cause Annie told the whole school I'm gay, everyone saying vile things about me, please dad I don't wanna back to school, I wanna be homes schooled" I say sobbing again and an absolute mess. He hold me again

"I can't let you be home schooled sweetheart, I promised your mom I'd keep you in school" he explains and I cry harder "and for Annie, she clearly wasn't a real friend, and if I'm honest I don't want her in this house ever again" he says and I nod in agreement "but for Lizzie, despite her older sisters being vile towards you, she seems nice, and someone who cares" he finishes with "I guess" I say softly.

After just sitting there with my dad watching a film, I say goodnight and head up to bed, it felt good telling him I'm gay, but I still don't wanna go school tomorrow and I'm going make sure I don't have.

Lizzie PoV

After going y/n to see her, I know she kicked us out but I just wanted to know if she was okay.

Me and Ricky went and got food and went for a little walk together, I know I rushed into things with him, but I just really hope this lasts and not a mistake.

Ricky drops me home, but a few houses away from mine because I don't want my mum seeing Ricky and losing her shit on him, he gives me a kiss goodbye and I get out the car and walk down to my house.

As I enter the gate, the front door flys open and my mom stood there who looks absolutely angry, I know I'm about to get a scolding for sneaking out and missing dinner but it was worth it.

"Where the fuck have you been" my mom say and I can tell by the tone of her voice she pissed, and drags me into the house and closes the door behind her and I look at her.

"We'll" she says crossing her arms
"I went to see y/n" I say snapping back
"What for 5 fucking hours, I know you went to see Ricky Moore I'm not stupid, I can't fucking believe you Elizabeth would sneak out to see a boy" he shouts at me
"Why ask if you knew I was with him" I shout back
"Don't you dare shout at me, you're grounded if you didn't remember, and you're sure as hell going be grounded a lot longer now" she says pissed at me
"Look I just wanted to see if y/n was okay" I say
"You could of waited until tomorrow at school" she says losing her patience with me.
"I'm sorry" I say looking down
"Sorry doesn't cut it anymore Elizabeth, get up to your room and do not shut that door" she says and I do as I'm told.

When I get upstairs I see my sister stood outside there rooms by the door listening and giving me a small smile, as I go to head into my room we hear the front door knock and my heart drops hoping it's not Ricky.

Me and my sister are all stood at the top of the stairs, trying listen to who at the door.

"Ian is everything okay" mom says and I look over to my sister
"Yeah sorry, to come over at this time of night, but I just need a word with you" he says
"I know" my mom says and Ian doesn't say anything
"I've already told Mary-Kate and Ashley off for what they have said and done to your y/n" mom says and my sisters look at each other and then look down with their heads in shame
"I hope y/n doing okay" mom adds

"I wish she was okay, she broken and she wants to die and be with her mom, she doesn't wanna go school anymore, I've already been to Annie house to see her parents, and I do not want Annie anywhere near my daughter, I'm not happy about this and I didn't wanna come here but when my daughter breaks down to I can't just leave it" he says and my heart drops and I look over at my sisters who both look shocked just hearing what he said

"I can promise you that the twins will not bother your daughter anymore, and if they do I will go spare at them both" mom says and mk and Ashley looks at each other worried

"I also just wanna say, I do really appreciate your Elizabeth coming over to check on y/n, I know my daughter hurting and did ask for your girl to leave and she did respectfully, she seem like a good kid someone who cares" he says
"But anyway I best get home and make sure y/n is okay and hasn't had another breakdown since I left, I'm sorry I had to come over but see you at work and good night" he says and mom says bye and night to me and she shuts the door

I look over at my sister who both are looking at me "I hope you both are proud to make someone feel like they need to end their life" I say and walk into my room shutting my door.

I lay in my bed just constantly thinking about y/n and about the conversation my mom and her dad had tonight. My heart aches for her it's not even been a week at school and she finding it so hard to cope and it didn't help Annie and my sister told the whole school they she gay.

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