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It's Friday morning and currently on my way to school, obviously my dad still drops me off as he doesn't want me walking which is annoying maybe he thinks I won't go to school if I walk.

Once my dad pulls up outside school I don't even hesitate to get out the car.

"Come on kid you gotta go, you had yesterday off" my dad says as he unbuckles my belt hitting to me to get out the car and I roll my eyes and get out

"Try not to get into trouble please" my dad adds as I shut the door and I give him a smile and then walk off to head into school.

While walking into school i feel everyone looking at me and talking among them self about me being a lesbian, I put my hood up and head down as I walk down the hall to my locker.

As I get to my locker to open it up and get a few things out, someone shuts my locker and I'm being grabbed and pinned up against the lockers, when I look up I notice couple off the jocks all standing around, while Liam holding me against the lockers.

"Look who showed up at school today, the little freshmen lesbo" Liam says as he has a firm hold on me and pushing me more aggressively against the lockers which is starting to hurt

"This dirty thing shouldn't" Liam goes to says but get cut up by a female voice

"Liam put her down, all of you back off now" MK shouts as her and Ashley walking down the hall towards us.

Liam let's go and all the lads all step away from me, I sort myself out, and putting my hood back up over my head.

Now MK and Ashley are standing in-front of me telling the lads to back off and go somewhere else, I open my locker get my books and close it as I go to leave Ashley stops me

"You okay" she asks
"I'm fine, and I don't appreciate your pity help" I say as I push past the twins and head to my first class.

The whole day at school I tried to avoid everyone I could, I ate my lunch under the bleachers, and even witnessed Ricky and that other girl Ronnie Lizzie said about all cuddled up, well he moves on fast.

I did everything I could to avoid the twins and Lizzie also, I don't need there pity, trying be nice to me all because my dad is their moms boss.

I didn't skip any classes well I skipped one and that was gym, only because when I walked into the changing room, I got a lot of abuse from the girls in my class because I like girls so I didn't even bother with getting changed I just hid in the library for that lesson.

School finished and I'm waiting outside the gates for my dad to pick me up, I hear a few students walk past giving me sly digs about my sexuality, and I try to hold it in and not retaliate.

An hour passes and my dad still hasn't pick me up, I decide to walk home, if dad turns up he'll find me walking home on his drive.

On my walk home a car pulls up next to me, I stop and see who it is incase it's my dad but to my surprise I notice Lizzie who sat in the back of the car with the window down.

"Hey wanna lift home" she says sweetly with a warm smile, I rub the back of my neck "I'm good but thank you" I say declining the offer

"Y/n just get in the car, we'll take you home" Ashley says as she opens her window and her and Mk are now looking at me

"I'm fine walking" I say and carry on walking home, but I notice the girls drive slow next to me.

I don't even hesitate to get in the car, I carry on walking home I get round the corner from my road and the girls are still driving next to me, I stop and turn to them.

"Why are you following me" I say getting annoyed

"I just wanna make sure youre okay" Lizzie says softly looking at me concerned

"Im fine, but please just go home and stop following me" I say getting frustrated that they won't leave me alone

"Hopefully we'll see you tonight at the party" Lizzie says with a small smile as mk drives off down the road and I roll my eyes and then turn down my road to head home.

As I get home I notice dad isn't home yet, so I head inside and get on the sofa and watch some crappy tv, while I wait for my dad to come home.

An hour later my dad enters the house calling my name and then finds me in the living room
"Hey sweetie I'm sorry I wasn't there to pick you up from school it's been a busy day at work and I completely forgot to text" my dad says in a apologetic tone

"It's okay dad I understand" I say and give him a smile.

Me and my dad have small talk, I try not to tell him about school today, and lie to him telling him it was fine and nothing happened. I don't want him to worry more then he does about me.

After dinner we are sat in the living room, and i notice the time is 7:30pm, and I find myself thinking about the Olsen party they are having currently right now.

I know my dad won't let me attend a party at the Olsen house but I could say I'm going to see Lizzie and work on our project together. But then do I really wanna attend a party where everyone going give me digs about being gay and liking girls.

"Hey dad is it alright if I go to lizzies for a few house to study" I ask nervously and he looks over at me

"Sure do you want a lift" he asks

"No thank you I'll be fine walking" I say as I get up from the sofa

"Take your phone, and be home by 11 no later, if you want picking up just give me a ring" he says with a smile on his face

"Thank you dad love you" I say as I leave the house and walk to lizzies, I can't believe I've just lied to my dad twice tonight, I know when he finds out I'm going be grounded.

On my walk to lizzies I start to overthink and contemplate if this was a bad idea going to this party, I'm not dressed for the occasion, I'm literally wearing dark blue skinny jeans, with a burgundy sweater and my hair up in a messy bun, but I'm not dressing to impress anyone.

As I get down to Lizzie street I can hear the music playing the closer I get to the house the louder the music and laughter coming from the back yard, I stand outside the gate of her house trying find the confidence to head inside.

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